path: root/TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn
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Diffstat (limited to 'TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn b/TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn
index 462a961a..97097165 100644
--- a/TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn
+++ b/TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
**History of TWiki New Feature Implementation**
-* Not yet on live site:
- * [[JohnTalintyre]] - Mar/May 2001: Ability to move attachments between topics, see [[FileAttachment]]
- * [[AndreaSterbini]] - May 2001: Now users of %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See [[Codev/UnchangeableTopicBug]]
- * [[AndreaSterbini]] - Apr/Jun 2001: API to extend TWiki, see [[Codev/TWikiPluginAPI]]
-* [[PeterThoeny]] - 21 Aug 2001: Convert to XHTML 1.0: goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. MM
+* **_JohnTalintyre - 30 Aug 2001 (Mar/May 2001): Ability to move attachments between topics, see [[FileAttachments]]_** MM
+* **_PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2001: Convert to XHTML 1.0: goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. [[ConvertToXHTML10]]_** MM
* **_JohnTalintyre - 26 Jun 2001: Category information to form using [[MetaDataDefinition]] format_** MM
* [[PeterThoeny]] - 07 Jun 2001: New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired `notedited.tmpl`, `notext.tmpl` and `notwiki.tmpl` templates. More in [[TWikiTemplates]].
* [[PeterThoeny]] - 07 Jun 2001: New <code>%TOPICLIST\{"format"\}%</code> and <code>%WEBLIST\{"format"\}%</code> variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in [[TWikiVariables]].
* [[PeterThoeny]] - 01 Jun 2001: New <code>%URLPARAM\{"name"\}%</code> variable to query URL parameters. More in [[TWikiVariables]].
-* **_%MAINWEB%.KlausWriessnegger, [[AndreaSterbini]] - Jun 2001: Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see [[TWikiChangePassword]] OR [[Codev/ChangingTWikiPasswords]] (in Spring Release dev table)_** MM
+* **_AndreaSterbini - Apr/Jun 2001: API to extend TWiki, see [[TWikiPluginAPI]]_** MM
+* **_%MAINWEB%.KlausWriessnegger, [[AndreaSterbini]] - Jun 2001: Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see [[TWikiChangePassword]] OR [[ChangingTWikiPasswords]] (in Spring Release dev table)_** MM
+* **_AndreaSterbini - May 2001: Now users of %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See [[UnchangeableTopicBug]]_** MM
* **_JohnTalintyre - Apr/May 2001: Meta information, see [[MetaDataDefinition]]_** MM
* **_JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Attachment under revision control - See [[FileAttachment]]_** MM
-* _JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, [[RenameTopic]]_ MM
+* **_JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, [[RenameTopic]]_** MM
* [[PeterThoeny]] - 27 Mar 2001: The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render <code>**| \*bold\* |**</code> cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells <code>**|  center aligned  |**</code> and <code>**|   right aligned |**</code>, (iii) span multiple columns using <code>**| empty cells |||**</code>. More in [[TextFormattingRules]].
* [[PeterThoeny]] - 25 Mar 2001: Security fix: Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and <code>**.htaccess**</code> files that are attached to a topic get a <code>**.txt**</code> suffix appended to the file name. See also [TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert](
* [[AndreaSterbini]], [[PeterThoeny]] - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. `---++ My Title`; and new <code>%TOC%</code> variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in [[TWikiVariables]].