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diff --git a/community/flavioc.mdwn b/community/flavioc.mdwn
index 6ef56a8b..5ac3ce16 100644
--- a/community/flavioc.mdwn
+++ b/community/flavioc.mdwn
@@ -42,13 +42,19 @@ Creating an extensible translator library in lisp using the mig generated stubs.
(get-message msg-mixed))) ; Returns '("abc" 42 #\b "cba" 314 3.14)
- New message types (like :string, :integer) can be implemented, providing a powerful extension mechanism.
+- Creation of symlinks and symlink path resolution.
+- Creation of character/block devices, fifos and sockets.
### What needs to be done
- Using continuations for IO blocking operations. This can be done using cl-cont.
-- Support for symlinks.
-- Support for stacking translators.
+- Callbacks:
+ - file_lock, file_lock_stat (still not sure if they are really needed)
+ - file_reparent
+- Make fsys_getroot and dir_lookup aware of active and passive translators.
+- Bind the client RPC calls.
+- Use the socket stubs?
### Notes