path: root/open_issues/multithreading
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authorThomas Schwinge <>2012-05-24 23:08:09 +0200
committerThomas Schwinge <>2012-05-24 23:08:09 +0200
commit2910b7c5b1d55bc304344b584a25ea571a9075fb (patch)
treebfbfbc98d4c0e205d2726fa44170a16e8421855e /open_issues/multithreading
parent35b719f54c96778f571984065579625bc9f15bf5 (diff)
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diff --git a/open_issues/multithreading/erlang-style_parallelism.mdwn b/open_issues/multithreading/erlang-style_parallelism.mdwn
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--- a/open_issues/multithreading/erlang-style_parallelism.mdwn
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-IRC, #hurd, 2010-10-05
- <sdschulze> antrik: Erlang-style parallelism might actually be interesting
- for Hurd translators.
- <sdschulze> There are certain similarities between Erlang's message boxes
- and Mach ports.
- <sdschulze> The problem is that all languages that implement the Erlang
- actor model are VM-based.
- <antrik> sdschulze: I guess that's because most systems don't offer this
- kind of message passing functionality out of the box... perhaps on Hurd
- it would be possible to implement an Erlang-like language natively?
- <sdschulze> That would be quite attractive -- having the same API for
- in-process parallelism and IPC.
- <sdschulze> But I don't see why Erlang needs a VM... It could also be
- implemented in a library.
- [...]
- <sdschulze> BTW, Scala doesn't require a VM by design. Its Erlang
- implementation is a binary-compatible abstraction to Java.
- [...]
- <sdschulze> My point was that Erlang employs some ideas that might be
- usable in the Hurd libraries.
- <sdschulze> concerning multithreading stuff
- <sdschulze> Unfortunately, it will not contribute to readability if done in
- C.
- <antrik> perhaps it's worth a look :-)
- <sdschulze> Actually, a Mach port is pretty close to an Erlang actor.
- <sdschulze> Currently, your I/O callbacks have to block when they're
- waiting for something.
- <sdschulze> What they should do is save the Mach port and respond as soon
- as they can.
- <sdschulze> So there should be a return status for "call me later, when I
- tell you to" in the callbacks.
- <sdschulze> Then the translator associates the Mach port with the summary
- of the request in some data structure.
- <sdschulze> As soon as the data is there, it tells the callback function to
- appear again and fulfills the request.
- <sdschulze> That's -- very roughly -- my idea.
- <sdschulze> Actually, this eliminates the need for multithreading
- completely.
- <antrik> sdschulze: not sure whether you are talking about RPC level or
- libc level here...
- <sdschulze> It should be transparent to libc.
- <sdschulze> If the client does a read() that cannot be answered immediatly,
- it blocks.
- <sdschulze> The difference is that there is no corresponding blocking
- thread in the translator.
- <antrik> ah, so you are talking about the server side only
- <sdschulze> yes
- <antrik> you mean the callback functions provided by the translator
- implementation should return ASAP, and then the dispatcher would call
- them again somehow
- <sdschulze> allowing the server to be single-threaded, if desired
- <sdschulze> exactly
- <sdschulze> like: call_again (mach_port);
- <antrik> but if the functions give up control, how does the dispatcher know
- when they are ready to be activated again? or does it just poll?
- <sdschulze> The translator knows this.
- <sdschulze> hm...
- <antrik> well, we are talking about the internal design of the translator,
- right?
- <antrik> I'm not saying it's impossible... but it's a bit tricky
- <antrik> essentially, the callbacks would have to tell the dispatcher,
- "call me again when there is an incoming message on this port"
- <sdschulze> Say we have a filesystem translator.
- <antrik> (or rather, it probably should actually call a *different*
- callback when this happens)
- <sdschulze> The client does a "read(...)".
- <sdschulze> => A callback is called in the translator.
- <antrik> let's call it disfs_S_io_read() ;-)
- <antrik> err... diskfs
- <sdschulze> The callback returns: SPECIAL_CALL_ME_LATER.
- <sdschulze> yes, exactly that :)
- <sdschulze> But before, it saves the position to be read in its internal
- data structure.
- <sdschulze> (a sorted tree, whatever)
- <sdschulze> The main loop steps through the data structure, doing a read()
- on the underlying translator (might be the disk partition).
- <sdschulze> "Ah, gotcha, this is what the client with Mach port number 1234
- wanted! Call his callback again!"
- <sdschulze> Then we're back in diskfs_S_io_read() and supply the data.
- <antrik> so you want to move part of the handling into the main loop? while
- I'm not fundamentally opposed to that, I'm not sure whether the
- dispatcher/callback approach used by MIG makes much sense at all in this
- case...
- <antrik> my point is that this probably can be generalised. blocking
- operations (I/O or other) usually wait for a reply message on a port --
- in this case the port for the underlying store
- <antrik> so the main loop would just need to wait for a reply message on
- the port, without really knowing what it means
- <sdschulze> on what port?
- <antrik> so disfs_S_io_read() would send a request message to the store;
- then it would return to the dispatcher, informing it to call
- diskfs_S_io_read_finish() or something like that when there is a message
- on the reply port
- <antrik> main loop would add the reply port to the listening port bucket
- <antrik> and as soon as the store provides the reply message, the
- dispatcher would then call diskfs_S_io_read_finish() with the reply
- message
- <sdschulze> yes
- <antrik> this might actually be doable without changes to MIG, and with
- fairly small changes to libports... though libdiskfs etc. would probably
- need major rewrites
- <sdschulze> What made me think about it is that Mach port communication
- doesn't block per se.
- <antrik> all this is however ignoring the problem I mentioned yesterdays:
- we need to handle page faults as well...
- <sdschulze> It's MIG and POSIX that block.
- <sdschulze> What about page faults?
- <antrik> when the translator has some data mapped, instead of doing
- explicit I/O, blocking can occur on normal memory access
- <sdschulze> antrik: Well, I've only been talking about the server side so
- far.
- <antrik> sdschulze: this *is* the server side
- <antrik> sdschulze: a filesystem translator can map the underlying store
- for example
- <antrik> (in fact that's what the ext2 translator does... which is why we
- had this 2G partition limit)
- <sdschulze> antrik: Ah, OK, so in other words, there are requests that it
- can answer immediatly and others that it can't?
- <antrik> that's not the issue. the issue is the the ext2 translator doesn't
- issue explicit blocking io_read() operations on the underlying
- store. instead, it just copies some of it's own address space from or to
- the client; and if the page is not in physical memory, blocking occurs
- during the copy
- <antrik> so essentially we would need a way to return control to the
- dispatcher when a page fault occurs
- <sdschulze> antrik: Ah, so MIG will find the translator unresponsive? (and
- then do what?)
- <antrik> sdschulze: again, this is not really a MIG thing. the main loop is
- *not* in MIG -- it's provided by the tranlator, usually through libports
- <sdschulze> OK, but as Mach IPC is asynchronous, a temporarily unresponsive
- translator won't cause any severe harm?
- <sdschulze> antrik: "Easy" solution: use a defined number of worker
- threads.
- <antrik> sdschulze: well, for most translators it doesn't do any harm if
- they block. but if we want to accept that, there is no point in doing
- this continuation stuff at all -- we could just use a single-threaded
- implementation :-)
- <sdschulze> Hard solution: do use explicit I/O and invent a
- read_no_pagefault() call.
- <antrik> not sure what you mean exactly. what I would consider is something
- like an exception handler around the copy code
- <antrik> so if an exception occurs during the copy, control is returned to
- the dispatcher; and once the pager informs us that the memory is
- available, the copy is restarted. but this is not exacly simple...
- <sdschulze> antrik: Ah, right. If the read() blocks, you haven't gained
- anything over blocking callbacks.
- * sdschulze adopted an ML coding style for his C coding...
- <sdschulze> antrik: Regarding it on the Mach level, all you want to do is
- some communication on some ports.
- <sdschulze> antrik: Only Unix's blocking I/O makes you want to use threads.
- <sdschulze> Unless you have a multicore CPU, there's no good reason why you
- would *ever* want multithreading.
- <sdschulze> (except poor software design)
- <sdschulze> antrik: Is there a reason why not to use io_read?
- <antrik> sdschulze: I totally agree about multithreading...
- <antrik> as for not using io_read(): some things are easier and/or more
- efficient with mapping
- <antrik> the Mach VM is really the most central part of Mach, and it's
- greatest innovation...
- <sdschulze> antrik: If you used explicit I/O, it would at least shift the
- problem somewhere else...
- <antrik> sure... but that's a workaround, not a solution
- <sdschulze> I'm not sure how to deal with page faults then -- I know too
- little about the Hurd's internal design.
- <sdschulze> Non-blocking io_read only works if we address the client side,
- too, BTW.
- <sdschulze> which would be quite ugly in C IMHO
- <sdschulze> announce_read (what, to, read, when_ready_callback);
- <antrik> sdschulze: POSIX knows non-blocking I/O
- <antrik> never checked how it works though
- <sdschulze> Yes, but I doubt it does what we want.
- <antrik> anyways, it's not too hard to do non-blocking io_read(). the
- problem is that then you have to use MIG stubs directly, not the libc
- function
- <sdschulze> And you somehow need to get the answer.
- <sdschulze> resp. get to know when it's ready
- <antrik> the Hurd actually comes with a io_request.defs and io_reply.defs
- by default. you just need to use them.
- <sdschulze> oh, ok
- <antrik> (instead of the usual io.defs, which does a blocking send/receive
- in one step)
- <sdschulze> I'd be interested how this works in Linux...
- <antrik> what exactly?
- <sdschulze> simultaneous requests on one FS
- <antrik> ah, you mean the internal threading model of Linux? no idea
- <sdschulze> if it uses threading at all
- <antrik> youpi probably knows... and some others might as well
- <sdschulze> Callbacks are still ugly...