path: root/TWiki
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authorPeter Thoeny <>2001-09-18 08:07:11 +0000
committerPeter Thoeny <>2001-09-18 08:07:11 +0000
commitf830bd2442e6f27ed44adaad78767f891909bfbd (patch)
tree374206ea4b7502e5489ef9c1c91ca81981e003ac /TWiki
parent8403846f89821535a1993c9e6806295a9f646083 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'TWiki')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.mdwn b/TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.mdwn
index 20e98c66..b18f0a64 100644
--- a/TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.mdwn
+++ b/TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.mdwn
@@ -104,30 +104,30 @@ To install TWiki on a system where you don't have server administrator privilege
* To be able to edit the Perl scripts and `.tmpl` files it is necessary to `chown` and `chgrp -R twiki` so all the files have the owner you want.
* **_NOTE:_** This Guide assumes user `nobody` ownership for all files manipulated by the CGI scripts (executed by the Web server), and user `twiki` for all other files. You can:
* replace `nobody` with another user if your server executes scripts under a different name (ex: default for Debian is `www-data`).
+ * **HINT:** Run the `testenv` script from your browser: ``. It will show you the user name of the CGI scripts, a table listing all CGI environment variables, and a test of your `twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg` configuration file (you'll configure that in a minute).
* replace user `twiki` with your own username
-* The CGI scripts execute as `nobody`. Set the file permission of all Perl scripts in the `twiki/bin` directory as executable to `-rwxr-xr-x` (755).
-* Test your settings by running the `testenv` script from your browser: ``. You should get a table listing all CGI environment variables, and a test of your `twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg` configuration file (you'll configure that in a minute).
+* Set the file permission of all Perl scripts in the `twiki/bin` directory as executable to `-rwxr-xr-x` (755).
* Set the permission of all files below `twiki/data` so that they are writable by user `nobody`. A simple way is to `chmod` them to `-rw-rw-r--` (664) and to `chown` them to `nobody`.
* Set the permission of the `twiki/data` directory and its subdirectories so that files in there are writable by user `nobody`. A simple way is to chmod them to `drwxrwxr-x` (775) and to `chown` them to `nobody`.
* Set the permission of the `twiki/pub` directory and all its subdirectories so that files in there are writable by user `nobody`. A simple way is to `chmod` them to `drwxrwxr-x` (775) and to `chown` them to `nobody`.
+* **_NOTE:_** The `twiki/data/*/*.txt,v` RCS repository files in the installation package are locked by user `nobody`. If your CGI scripts are **_not_** running as user `nobody`, it's not possible to check in files (you'll see that the revision number won't increase after saving a topic). In this case, you need to unlock all repository files (check the RCS man pages) and lock them with a different user, ex `www-data`, or delete them all - new files will be automatically created the first time each topic is edited. A simple way to change ownership is with a search-and-replace in all files; for example, using sed: <br />`for f in *,v; do sed 's/nobody\:/www-data\:/' $f > x; mv x $f; done`
### <a name="Step_3_Set_the_Main_Configuratio"> Step 3: Set the Main Configuration File </a>
* Edit the file `twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg`, setting the variables to your needs.
* Set the file extension in the `$scriptSuffix` variable to `cgi` or `pl` if required.
* Make sure RCS is installed. Set `$rcsDir` in `twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg` to mach the location of your RCS binaries.
-* **_NOTE:_** The `*,v` RCS repository files in the installation package are locked by user `nobody`. If your CGI scripts are **_not_** running as user `nobody`, it's not possible to check in files (you'll see that the revision number won't increase after saving a topic). In this case, you need to unlock all repository files and lock them as user `www-data` (check the RCS man pages), or delete them all - new files will be automatically created the first time each topic is edited. A simple way to change ownership is with a search-and-replace in all files; for example, using sed: <br />`for f in *,v; do sed 's/nobody\:/www-data\:/' $f > x; mv x $f; done`
* **Security issue:** Directories `twiki/data` , `twiki/templates` and all its subdirectories should be set so that they are **_not_** visible as a URL. (Alternatively, move the directories to a place where they are not visible, and change the variables in `twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg` accordingly)
-* Enable email notification of topic changes, [[MonitoringSiteActivity]] has more.
-* Add the TWiki:Main/PoweredByTWikiLogo to your %MAINWEB%.WebHome topic.
+* Test your settings by running the `testenv` script from your browser: ``. Check if your `twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg` configuration file settings are correct.
### <a name="Step_4_Finish_Up_from_Your_Brows"> Step 4: Finish Up from Your Browser </a>
* Point your Web browser at `` and start TWiki-ing away!
-* Edit the TWikiAdminGroup topic to include users with system administrator status.
-* Edit the [[TWikiPreferences]] topic in the TWiki:%TWIKIWEB% web to set the `WIKIWEBMASTER` email address, the `WEBCOPYRIGHT` message, access privileges, and other preferences.
-* Edit the [[WebPreferences]] topic in each web, if necessary: set access priviliges, individual `WEBCOPYRIGHT` messages, other preferences.
+* Edit the [[TWikiPreferences]] topic in the TWiki:%TWIKIWEB% web to set the `WIKIWEBMASTER` email address, and other preferences.
+* Edit the [[WebPreferences]] topic in each web, if necessary: set individual `WEBCOPYRIGHT` messages, and other preferences.
+* Enable email notification of topic changes, [[MonitoringSiteActivity]] has more.
* Edit the [[WebNotify]] topic in all webs and add the users you want to notify.
+* Add the TWiki:Main/PoweredByTWikiLogo to your %MAINWEB%.WebHome topic.
* You can add new <code>%VARIABLES%</code>. Define site-level variables in the [[TWikiPreferences]] topic. See also: [[TWikiVariables]].
That's it for the standard virgin installation of TWiki. Read on for server-level customization options.
@@ -136,6 +136,21 @@ That's it for the standard virgin installation of TWiki. Read on for server-leve
With your new TWiki installation up and running, you can manage most aspects of your site from the browser interface. Only a few functions require access to the server file system, via Telnet or FTP. You can make these server-level changes during installation, and at any time afterwards.
+### <a name="Enabling_Authentication_of_Users"> Enabling Authentication of Users </a>
+* If TWiki is installed on a non-authenticated server - not using SSL - and you'd like to authenticate users:
+ 1. **Rename** file `.htaccess.txt` in the `twiki/bin` directory to `.htaccess` and change it to your needs. For details, consult the HTTP server documentation (for Apache server: [[1]](, [[2]]( In particular, the following <font>red</font> part needs to be configured correctly: <br /><code>Redirect <font>/urlpath/to/TWiki/index.html</font> http://<font></font>view</code><br /><code>AuthUserFile <font>/filepath/to/TWiki/data/</font>.htpasswd</code><br /><code>ErrorDocument 401 <font>/urlpath/to/TWiki/bin/</font>oops/TWiki/TWikiRegistration?template=oopsauth</code>
+ * **_NOTE:_** In case you renamed the CGI script files to have a file extension you need to reflect that in the `edit`, `view`, `preview`, etc entries in `.htaccess`.
+ * **_NOTE:_** The browser should ask for login name and password when you click on the <u>Edit</u> link. In case `.htaccess` does not have the desired effect you need to enable it: Add "AllowOverride All" to the Directory section of `access.conf` for your `twiki/bin` directory.
+ 2. **Copy** the [[TWikiRegistrationPub]] topic to [[TWikiRegistration]]. Do that by either editing the topics in the%TWIKIWEB% web, or by renaming the `.txt` and `.txt,v` files in the `twiki/data/%TWIKIWEB%` directory.
+ * **_HINT:_** You can customize the registration form by deleting or adding input tags. The `name=""` parameter of the input tags must start with: `"Twk0..."` (if this is an optional entry), or `"Twk1..."` (if this is a required entry). This ensures that the fields are processed correctly.
+* Register yourself in the [[TWikiRegistration]] topic.
+ * **_NOTE:_** When a user registers, a new line with the username and encrypted password is added to the `data/.htpasswd` file. The `.htpasswd` file that comes with the TWiki installation includes user accounts for TWiki core team members that are used for testing on You can edit the file and delete those lines.
+* Create a new topic to check if authentication works.
+* Edit the %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup topic in the TWiki:%MAINWEB% web to include users with system administrator status.
+* Edit the [[TWikiPreferences]] topic in the TWiki:%TWIKIWEB% web to set access privileges.
+* Edit the [[WebPreferences]] topic in each web, if necessary: set access priviliges.
<a name="CreateWeb"></a>
### <a name="Adding_a_New_Web"> Adding a New Web </a>
@@ -164,17 +179,6 @@ Optionally, you can also:
**_NOTE:_** User home topics are located in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%MAINWEB% web - don't try to move them or create them in other webs. From any other web, user signatures have to point to %WIKITOOLNAME%.%MAINWEB% web, using a <code>%MAINWEB%.UserName</code> or <code>%MAINWEB%.UserName</code> format. (The <code>%MAINWEB%</code> variable is an advantage if you ever change the %MAINWEB% web name, but the standard <code>%MAINWEB%.UserName</code> is easier for users to enter, which is the bottom line!
-### <a name="Enabling_Basic_Authentication_ht"> Enabling Basic Authentication (.htaccess) </a>
-* If TWiki is installed on a non-authenticated server - not using SSL - and you'd like to authenticate users:
- 1. **Rename** file `.htaccess.txt` in the `twiki/bin` directory to `.htaccess` and change it to your needs. For details, consult the HTTP server documentation (for Apache server: [[1]](, [[2]]( In particular, the following <font>red</font> part needs to be configured correctly: <br /><code>Redirect <font>/urlpath/to/TWiki/index.html</font> http://<font></font>view</code><br /><code>AuthUserFile <font>/filepath/to/TWiki/data/</font>.htpasswd</code><br /><code>ErrorDocument 401 <font>/urlpath/to/TWiki/bin/</font>oops/TWiki/TWikiRegistration?template=oopsauth</code>
- * **_NOTE:_** In case you renamed the CGI script files to have a file extension you need to reflect that in the `edit`, `view`, `preview`, etc entries in `.htaccess`.
- * **_NOTE:_** The browser should ask for login name and password when you click on the <u>Edit</u> link. In case `.htaccess` does not have the desired effect you need to enable it: Add "AllowOverride All" to the Directory section of `access.conf` for your `twiki/bin` directory.
- 2. **Copy** the [[TWikiRegistrationPub]] topic to [[TWikiRegistration]]. Do that by either editing the topics in the%TWIKIWEB% web, or by renaming the `.txt` and `.txt,v` files in the `twiki/data/%TWIKIWEB%` directory.
- * You can customize the registration form by deleting or adding input tags. The `name=""` parameter of the input tags must start with: `"Twk0..."` (if this is an optional entry), or `"Twk1..."` (if this is a required entry). This ensures that the fields are processed correctly.
-* * **_NOTE:_** When a user registers, a new line with the username and encrypted password is added to the `data/.htpasswd` file. The `.htpasswd` file that comes with the TWiki installation includes user accounts for TWiki core team members that are used for testing on You can edit the file and delete those lines.
## <a name="TWiki_File_System_Info"> TWiki File System Info </a>
See [[AppendixFileSystem]] for an installed system snapshot and descriptions of all files in the TWiki 01-Sep-2001 distribution.