path: root/TWiki
diff options
authorPeter Thoeny <>2001-09-15 19:00:37 +0000
committerPeter Thoeny <>2001-09-15 19:00:37 +0000
commitdf9cb1c13a58fe0d4d7ab797f8356324e0f84142 (patch)
tree6e8cbb8e0a9a921e77adfd852eec7349d2324422 /TWiki
parent9f427ee68e45dde167b48ffa5a79d842b4cc72a5 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'TWiki')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn b/TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn
index a11eeca1..3e60b733 100644
--- a/TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn
+++ b/TWiki/TWikiHistory.mdwn
@@ -31,21 +31,21 @@
* **01 May 2001** - [[JohnTalintyre]]
* Ability to rename/move topics, [[ManagingTopics]]
* **27 Mar 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render <code>=  \*bold\*  =</code> cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells `=   center aligned   =` and `=    right aligned  =`, (iii) span multiple columns using `=  empty cells    =`. More in [[TextFormattingRules]].
+ * The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render <code>**| \*bold\* |**</code> cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells <code>**|   center aligned   |**</code> and <code>**|   right aligned |**</code>, (iii) span multiple columns using <code>**| empty cells |||**</code>. More in [[TextFormattingRules]].
* **25 Mar 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * Security fix Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and <code>**.htaccess**</code> files that are attached to a topic get a <code>**.txt**</code> suffix appended to the file name. See also \[[]\[TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
+ * Security fix Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and <code>**.htaccess**</code> files that are attached to a topic get a <code>**.txt**</code> suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev/FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
* **28 Feb 2001** - [[AndreaSterbini]], [[PeterThoeny]]
* New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. `---++ My Title`; and new <code>%TOC%</code> variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in [[TWikiVariables]].
* **28 Feb 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. <code>[[]\[TWiki</code>) and internal links (i.e <code>[[WikiSyntax]\[syntax</code>). More in [[TWikiVariables]].
+ * New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. <code>[[]\[TWiki]]</code>) and internal links (i.e <code>[[WikiSyntax]\[syntax]]</code>). More in [[TWikiVariables]].
* **28 Feb 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with `#MyAnchor` at the beginning of a line, and link to it with <code>[[#MyAnchor</code>. More in [[TWikiVariables]].
+ * New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with `#MyAnchor` at the beginning of a line, and link to it with <code>[[#MyAnchor]]</code>. More in [[TWikiVariables]].
* **25 Feb 2001** - [[NicholasLee]], [[PeterThoeny]]
* Use `Net::SMTP` module instead of `sendmail` if installed.
* **01 Feb 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
* Added `<verbatim>` ... `</verbatim>` tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the `<pre>` ... `</pre>` tags, it also shows `<`, `>`, `&` characters "as is".
* **01 Feb 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * Fixed [TWiki:Codev.CreateLinkToAttachedFileBug](
+ * Fixed TWiki:Codev/CreateLinkToAttachedFileBug.
* **21 Jan 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
* Added a "Minor change, don't notify" checkbox in preview. More in [[DontNotify]].
* **21 Jan 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@
* **16 Jan 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
* New variable <code>%STARTINCLUDE%</code> and <code>%STOPINCLUDE%</code> variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in [[TWikiVariables]].
* **16 Jan 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a `print` skin for a printable view of a topic. More in [[TWikiSkins]] and [TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins](
+ * TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a `print` skin for a printable view of a topic. More in [[TWikiSkins]] and TWiki:Codev/TWikiSkins.
* **07 Jan 2001** - [[StanleyKnutson]]
* Better error handling when saving a topic.
* **05 Jan 2001** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * View authorization based on groups. Define who is allowed to see a TWiki web. More in [[TWikiAccessControl]] and [TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups](
+ * View authorization based on groups. Define who is allowed to see a TWiki web. More in [[TWikiAccessControl]] and TWiki:Codev/AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
* **05 Dec 2000** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * Improved include handling. Infinite recursion of includes are prevented; new variables <code>%BASEWEB%</code>, <code>%INCLUDINGWEB%</code>, <code>%BASETOPIC%</code> and <code>%INCLUDINGTOPIC%</code> to have more control over include handling. More in [[TWikiVariables]] and [TWiki:Codev.IncludeHandlingImprovements](
+ * Improved include handling. Infinite recursion of includes are prevented; new variables <code>%BASEWEB%</code>, <code>%INCLUDINGWEB%</code>, <code>%BASETOPIC%</code> and <code>%INCLUDINGTOPIC%</code> to have more control over include handling. More in [[TWikiVariables]] and TWiki:Codev/IncludeHandlingImprovements.
* **03 Dec 2000** - [[PeterThoeny]]
* New `noheader="on"` switch in <code>%SEARCH\{...\}%</code> to suppress table header. More in [[TWikiVariables]].
@@ -76,19 +76,19 @@
* **01 Nov 2000** - [[PeterThoeny]]
* Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
* **23 Oct 2000** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * Authorization based on groups. Define fine graned control who is allowed to change or create topics. More in [[TWikiAccessControl]] and [TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups](
+ * Authorization based on groups. Define fine graned control who is allowed to change or create topics. More in [[TWikiAccessControl]] and TWiki:Codev/AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
* **05 Oct 2000** - [[PeterThoeny]]
* Remember user by IP address so that `view` "knows" the user once authenticated in `edit`. More in [[TWikiUserAuthentication]].
* **26 Sep 2000** - [[AlWilliams]], [[PeterThoeny]]
- * Fixed [TWiki:Codev.UppercaseAttachments]( bug and added `png` image support.
+ * Fixed TWiki:Codev/UppercaseAttachments bug and added `png` image support.
* **26 Sep 2000** - [[HaroldGottschalk]], [[AndreaSterbini]], [[PeterThoeny]]
- * Allow nesting of variables, i.e. <code>%INCLUDE\{"%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiWebsTable"\}%</code>. More in [TWiki:Codev.BetterTWikiTagTemplateProcessing](
+ * Allow nesting of variables, i.e. <code>%INCLUDE\{"%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiWebsTable"\}%</code>. More in TWiki:Codev/BetterTWikiTagTemplateProcessing.
* **20 Sep 2000** - [[ManpreetSingh]]
* New -q switch in `mailnotify` to suppress all normal output.
* **19 Sep 2000** - [[PeterThoeny]]
- * Fixed [TWiki:Codev.AttachedNotificationLinksBug](
+ * Fixed TWiki:Codev/AttachedNotificationLinksBug.
* **18 Sep 2000** - [[ManpreetSingh]], [[PeterThoeny]]
- * Added forced internal links. Write <code>[[text formatting FAQ</code> to get the link \[[text formatting FAQ that points to topic [[TextFormattingFAQ]].
+ * Added forced internal links. Write <code>[[text formatting FAQ]]</code> to get the link [[TextFormattingFAQ]] that points to topic [[TextFormattingFAQ]].
* **19 Aug 2000** - [[PeterThoeny]]
* Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
* **16 Aug 2000** - [[PeterThoeny]]
@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@
The typical TWiki development flow...
-* [FeatureBrainstorming]( open forum for new ideas
-* [TWikiEnhancementRequests]( specific detailed request
-* [TWikiPlannedFeatures]( accepted for future development
-* [FeatureToDo]( prioritized to up-next dev status
-* [FeatureUnderConstruction]( currently in development
+* TWiki:Codev/FeatureBrainstorming: open forum for new ideas
+* TWiki:Codev/TWikiEnhancementRequests: specific detailed request
+* TWiki:Codev/TWikiPlannedFeatures: accepted for future development
+* TWiki:Codev/FeatureToDo: prioritized to up-next dev status
+* TWiki:Codev/FeatureUnderConstruction: currently in development
* [[TWikiDocumentation]]: reference manual for the latest TWiki