path: root/TWiki
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authorMikeMannix <MikeMannix>2001-09-28 00:35:05 +0000
committerMikeMannix <MikeMannix>2001-09-28 00:35:05 +0000
commitbea5069b8028464de615343a73038a98b3407bfc (patch)
tree24140b3704225d60a3caab24f093089026395d76 /TWiki
parent5836874dbdcff90d2cb592abe4b0bc4be6925ca3 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'TWiki')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/TWiki/TWikiPlugins.mdwn b/TWiki/TWikiPlugins.mdwn
index fc18173a..f92e9d2c 100644
--- a/TWiki/TWikiPlugins.mdwn
+++ b/TWiki/TWikiPlugins.mdwn
@@ -44,14 +44,17 @@ Each Plugin has a standard release page, located in the TWiki:Plugins web at TWi
* **Dev page:** Post feature requests, bug reports and general dev comments; topic title ends in `Dev` (`SomePluginDev`).
* **User support:** Post installation, how to use type questions (and answers, if you have them) in the TWiki:Support web.
+<a name="PreTesting"></a>
### <a name="On_Site_Pretesting"> On-Site Pretesting </a>
To test new Plugins on your installation before making them public, you may want to use one of these two approaches:
-* **Method 1:** Create Production and a Test installation of TWiki.
- * Duplicate the `twiki/bin` and `twiki/lib` directories for the Test version, adjusting the paths in the new `lib/TWiki.cfg`, the `twiki/data`; the `twiki/templates` and `twiki/pub` directories are shared.
- * Test Plugins and other new features in the Test installation until you're satisfied.
- * Copy the modified files to the Production installation. You can update a live TWiki installation and users won't even notice.
+* **Method 1:** Safely test on-the-fly by creating separate Production and Test branches in your live TWiki installation.
+ * **Duplicate** the `twiki/bin` and `twiki/lib` directories for the Test version, adjusting the paths in the new `lib/TWiki.cfg`, the `twiki/data`; the `twiki/templates` and `twiki/pub` directories are shared.
+ * **Test** Plugins and other new features in the Test installation until you're satisfied.
+ * %X% If you modify topics using the new features, live users will likely see unfamiliar new META tags showing up on their pages - to avoid this, create and edit test-only topics to try out new features.
+ * **Copy** the modified files to the Production installation. You can update a TWiki installation live and users won't even notice.
* **Method 2:** List the Plugin under `Test` in the `DISABLEDPLUGINS` variable in %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences. Redefine the `DISABLEDPLUGINS` variable in the Test web and do the testing there.
@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ The Application Programming Interface (API) for TWikiPlugins provides the specif
The `lib/TWiki/` implements ALL official Plugin functions. Plugins should ONLY use functions published in this module.
- If you use functions not in ``, you run the risk of creating security holes. Also, your Plugin will likely break and require updating when you upgrade to a new version of TWiki.
+%X% If you use functions not in ``, you run the risk of creating security holes. Also, your Plugin will likely break and require updating when you upgrade to a new version of TWiki.
* For best performance, enable only the functions you really need. NOTE: `outsidePREHandler` and `insidePREHandler` are particularly expensive.