Today (OK, this night) I created some codeswarm movies to visualize the code history of the Hurd. What's particularly interesting to me in gnumach is the tschwinge - sthibaul effect in march 2008, where development suddenly seems to speed up enormeously. It clearly shows how much impact just two developers can have - you can have that kind of an impact, too! The code movies are created from the history of the cvs branches gnumach and hurd. The movies: - [gnumach]( - [hurd]( - [hurd wiki]( in gnumach, red is the "kern", while in "hurd" red is stuff in "release". .*doc.* is dark blue and any stuff named .*linux.* is shown in a blue-green in both. The hurd wiki movie shows all web commits as "", and you can clearly see that most changes are being done via the version control system. There's a way to split the web-commits, but since there aren't many, I leave that for another day :) - [article on the ikiwiki page]( Best wishes, Arne