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Autor: Alejandro Sanchez Acosta

You can contact with me sending a mail to the following mail address: raciel at x0und punto net

Here you can see a little summary about my diary:

On 20 July 2002 I send a mail to Gnome Hispano asking for resources to Mono Hispano foundation.

On 21 July 2002 Alvaro del Castillo giveme some resources to Mono Hispano (mailing list, CVS..)

On 22 July 2002 I send the first mail to the Mono Hispano List telling the objetives and the future of Mono Hispano

On 25 July 2002 I start with some projects about documentation in Mono Hispano, a tutorial of C#, remoting, NET.

On 5 August 2002 I translated the document about embedding mono runtime of Miguel de Icaza and Paulo Molaro.

On 15 August 2002 I and Alvaro make the conference about Mono Hispano for IV Hispalinux.

On 20 August 2002 I translated the document about unmanaged calls and P/Invoke of dietmar.

On 25 August 2002 Ismael Olea give me CVS account to upload my articles ant tutorials to TLDP-es

On 28 August 2002 I start preparing my exams and doing all the pending practices.

On 7 September 2002 I talk with the kernelcoders author about the intent to mount an spanish comunity of kernel coders.

On 9 September 2002 I ask for to create a mailing list about Hurd and the creation of Hurd Hispano in the spanish gnu group(

On 13 September 2002 I finish translating a document about NET

On 15 September 2002 I start documenting a little about garbage collector.

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