## LSM 2006 The 7th Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (also known as Libre Software Meeting) will be held on July 4th-8th 2006 in Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy. There won't be a track of OS-related talks as it has been last year, see . Dorms have to be reserved on as soon as possible. ### Who and when
Name Attending Arrival Return
[[JeroenDekkers]] perhaps ? ?
[[ManuelMenal]] perhaps ? ?
[[MarcoGerards]] no n/a n/a
[[MarcusBrinkmann]] probably not n/a n/a
[[MichaelBanck]] probably not n/a n/a
[[NealWalfield]] perhaps ? ?
[[PeterDeSchrijver]] no n/a n/a
[[OlafBuddenhagen]] ? ? ?
[[SamuelThibault]] yes ? ?
[[SoerenSchulze]] perhaps ? ?
[[StefanSiegl]] no n/a n/a
[[ThomasSchwinge]] perhaps ? ?
[[YoshinoriOkuji]] perhaps ? ?