path: root/open_issues/code_analysis.mdwn
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diff --git a/open_issues/code_analysis.mdwn b/open_issues/code_analysis.mdwn
index 67798c6a..d61d5921 100644
--- a/open_issues/code_analysis.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/code_analysis.mdwn
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation,
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Free Software
+Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -87,8 +87,70 @@ There is a [[!FF_project 276]][[!tag bounty]] on some of these tasks.
* [Frama-C](
+ <teythoon> btw, I've been looking at lately
+ <teythoon> it's a theorem prover for c/c++
+ <braunr> oh nice
+ <teythoon> I think it's most impressive, it works on the hurd (aptitude
+ install frama-c o_O)
+ <teythoon> *and it works
+ <braunr> "Simple things should be simple,
+ <braunr> complex things should be possible."
+ <braunr> :)
+ <braunr> looks great
+ <teythoon> even the gui is awesome, allows one to browse source code in
+ a very impressive way
+ <braunr> clear separation between value changes, dependencies, side
+ effects
+ <braunr> we could have plugins for stuff like ports
+ <braunr> handles concurrency oO
+ <nalaginrut> so you want to use Frame-C to analyze the whole Hurd code
+ base?
+ <teythoon> nalaginrut: well, frama-c looks "able" to assist in
+ analyzing the Hurd, yes
+ <teythoon> nalaginrut: but theorem proving is a manual process, one
+ needs to guide the prover
+ <teythoon> nalaginrut: b/c some stuff is not decideable
+ <nalaginrut> I ask this because I can imagine how to analyze Linux
+ since all the code is in a directory. But Hurd's codes are
+ distributed to many other projects
+ <braunr> that's not a problem
+ <braunr> each server can be analyzed separately
+ <teythoon> braunr: also, each "entry point"
+ <nalaginrut> alright, but sounds a big work
+ <teythoon> it is
+ <braunr> otherwise, formal verification would be widespread :)
+ <teythoon> that, and most tools are horrible to use, frama-c is really
+ an exception in this regard
* [Coverity]( (nonfree?)
+ * IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2014-02-03
+ <pere> btw, did you consider adding hurd and mach to <URL:
+ > to detect bugs automatically?
+ <pere> I found lots of bugs in gnash, ipmitool and sysvinit when I
+ started scanning those projects. :)
+ <teythoon> i did some static analysis work, i haven't used coverty
+ but free tools for that
+ <teythoon> i think thomas wanted to look into coverty though
+ <pere> quite easy to set up, but you need to download and run a
+ non-free tarball on the build host.
+ <teythoon> does that tar ball contains binary code ?
+ <teythoon> that'd be a show stopper for the hurd of course
+ <pere> did not investigate. I just put it in a contained virtual
+ machine.
+ <pere> did not want it on my laptop. :)
+ <pere> prefer free software here. :)
+ <pere> but I did not have to "accept license", at least. :)
+ * IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2014-02-05
+ <pere> ah, cool. <URL: >
+ is now in place. :)
+ [[microkernel/mach/gnumach/projects/clean_up_the_code]],
+ *Code_Analysis, Coverity*.
* [Splint](
* IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-12-04