path: root/microkernel/mach
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12 files changed, 1888 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/concepts.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/concepts.mdwn
index 0f7cbf00..08bce3f5 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/concepts.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/concepts.mdwn
@@ -31,3 +31,20 @@ text="*[[mach\_kernel\_principles|documentation]]*:
In particular the [[!toggle id=mach_kernel_principles
text="[mach\_kernel\_principles]"]] book further elaborates on Mach's concepts
and principles.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-08-26
+ < stargater> then is mach not more microkernel
+ < stargater> when it have driver inside
+ < braunr> mach is a hybrid
+ < braunr> even without drivers
+ < stargater> in www i read mach is microkernel
+ < stargater> not hybrid
+ < braunr> the word microkernel usually includes hybrids
+ < braunr> true microkernels are also called nanokernels
+ < braunr> the word isn't that important, what matters is that mach does
+ more in kernel than what the microkernel principle implies
+ < braunr> e.g. high level async IPC and high level virtual memory
+ operations
+ < braunr> including physical memory management
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/deficiencies.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/deficiencies.mdwn
index 1294b8b3..8f47f61f 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/deficiencies.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/deficiencies.mdwn
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
solve a number of problems... I just wonder how many others it would open
-# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-09-04
+# X15
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-09-04
<braunr> it was intended as a mach clone, but now that i have better
knowledge of both mach and the hurd, i don't want to retain mach
@@ -767,3 +767,1620 @@ In context of [[open_issues/multithreading]] and later [[open_issues/select]].
<braunr> imo, a rewrite is more appropriate
<braunr> sometimes, things done in x15 can be ported to the hurd
<braunr> but it still requires a good deal of effort
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-04-26
+ <bddebian> braunr: Did I see that you are back tinkering with X15?
+ <braunr> well yes i am
+ <braunr> and i'm very satisfied with it currently, i hope i can maintain
+ the same level of quality in the future
+ <braunr> it can already handle hundreds of processors with hundreds of GB
+ of RAM in a very scalable way
+ <braunr> most algorithms are O(1)
+ <braunr> even waking up multiple threads is O(1) :)
+ <braunr> i'd like to implement rcu this summer
+ <bddebian> Nice. When are you gonna replace gnumach? ;-P
+ <braunr> never
+ <braunr> it's x15, not x15mach now
+ <braunr> it's not meant to be compatible
+ <bddebian> Who says it has to be compatible? :)
+ <braunr> i don't know, my head
+ <braunr> the point is, the project is about rewriting the hurd now, not
+ just the kernel
+ <braunr> new kernel, new ipc, new interfaces, new libraries, new everything
+ <bddebian> Yikes, now that is some work. :)
+ <braunr> well yes and no
+ <braunr> ipc shouldn't be that difficult/long, considering how simple i
+ want the interface to be
+ <bddebian> Cool.
+ <braunr> networking and drivers will simply be reused from another code
+ base like dde or netbsd
+ <braunr> so besides the kernel, it's a few libraries (e.g. a libports like
+ library), sysdeps parts in the c library, and a file system
+ <bddebian> For inclusion in glibc or are you not intending on using glibc?
+ <braunr> i intend to use glibc, but not for upstream integration, if that's
+ what you meant
+ <braunr> so a private, local branch i assume
+ <braunr> i expect that part to be the hardest
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-05-02
+ <zacts> braunr: also, will propel/x15 use netbsd drivers or netdde linux
+ drivers?
+ <zacts> or both?
+ <braunr> probably netbsd drivers
+ <zacts> and if netbsd, will it utilize rump?
+ <braunr> i don't know yet
+ <zacts> ok
+ <braunr> device drivers and networking will arrive late
+ <braunr> the system first has to run in ram, with a truely configurable
+ boot process
+ <braunr> (i.e. a boot process that doesn't use anything static, and can
+ boot from either disk or network)
+ <braunr> rump looks good but it still requires some work since it doesn't
+ take care of messaging as well as we'd want
+ <braunr> e.g. signal relaying isn't that great
+ <zacts> I personally feel like using linux drivers would be cool, just
+ because linux supports more hardware than netbsd iirc..
+ <mcsim> zacts: But it could be problematic as you should take quite a lot
+ code from linux kernel to add support even for a single driver.
+ <braunr> zacts: netbsd drivers are far more portable
+ <zacts> oh wow, interesting. yeah I did have the idea that netbsd would be
+ more portable.
+ <braunr> mcsim: that doesn't seem to be as big a problem as you might
+ suggest
+ <braunr> the problem is providing the drivers with their requirements
+ <braunr> there are a lot of different execution contexts in linux (hardirq,
+ softirq, bh, threads to name a few)
+ <braunr> being portable (as implied in netbsd) also means being less
+ demanding on the execution context
+ <braunr> which allows reusing code in userspace more easily, as
+ demonstrated by rump
+ <braunr> i don't really care about extensive hardware support, since this
+ is required only for very popular projects such as linux
+ <braunr> and hardware support actually comes with popularity (the driver
+ code base is related with the user base)
+ <zacts> so you think that more users will contribute if the projects takes
+ off?
+ <braunr> i care about clean and maintainable code
+ <braunr> well yes
+ <zacts> I think that's a good attitude
+ <braunr> what i mean is, there is no need for extensive hardware support
+ <mcsim> braunr: TBH, I did not really got idea of rump. Do they try to run
+ the whole kernel or some chosen subsystems as user tasks?
+ <braunr> mcsim: some subsystems
+ <braunr> well
+ <braunr> all the subsystems required by the code they actually want to run
+ <braunr> (be it a file system or a network stack)
+ <mcsim> braunr: What's the difference with dde?
+ <braunr> it's not kernel oriented
+ <mcsim> what do you mean?
+ <braunr> it's not only meant to run on top of a microkernel
+ <braunr> as the author named it, it's "anykernel"
+ <braunr> if you remember at fosdem, he run code inside a browser
+ <braunr> ran*
+ <braunr> and also, netbsd drivers wouldn't restrict the license
+ <braunr> although not a priority, having a (would be) gnu system under
+ gplv3+ would be nice
+ <zacts> that would be cool
+ <zacts> x15 is already gplv3+
+ <zacts> iirc
+ <braunr> yes
+ <zacts> cool
+ <zacts> yeah, I would agree netbsd drivers do look more attractive in that
+ case
+ <braunr> again, that's clearly not the main reason for choosing them
+ <zacts> ok
+ <braunr> it could also cause other problems, such as accepting a bsd
+ license when contributing back
+ <braunr> but the main feature of the hurd isn't drivers, and what we want
+ to protect with the gpl is the main features
+ <zacts> I see
+ <braunr> drivers, as well as networking, would be third party code, the
+ same way you run e.g. firefox on linux
+ <braunr> with just a bit of glue
+ <zacts> braunr: what do you think of the idea of being able to do updates
+ for propel without rebooting the machine? would that be possible down the
+ road?
+ <braunr> simple answer: no
+ <braunr> that would probably require persistence, and i really don't want
+ that
+ <zacts> does persistence add a lot of complexity to the system?
+ <braunr> not with the code, but at execution, yes
+ <zacts> interesting
+ <braunr> we could add per-program serialization that would allow it but
+ that's clearly not a priority for me
+ <braunr> updating with a reboot is already complex enough :)
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-05-09
+ <braunr> the thing is, i consider the basic building blocks of the hurd too
+ crappy to build anything really worth such effort over them
+ <braunr> mach is crappy, mig is crappy, signal handling is crappy, hurd
+ libraries are ok but incur a lot of contention, which is crappy today
+ <bddebian> Understood but it is all we have currently.
+ <braunr> i know
+ <braunr> and it's good as a prototype
+ <bddebian> We have already had L4, viengoos, etc and nothing has ever come
+ to fruition. :(
+ <braunr> my approach is compeltely different
+ <braunr> it's not a new design
+ <braunr> a few things like ipc and signals are redesigned, but that's minor
+ compared to what was intended for hurdng
+ <braunr> propel is simply meant to be a fast, scalable implementation of
+ the hurd high level architecture
+ <braunr> bddebian: imagine a mig you don't fear using
+ <braunr> imagine interfaces not constrained to 100 calls ...
+ <braunr> imagine per-thread signalling from the start
+ <bddebian> braunr: I am with you 100% but it's vaporware so far.. ;-)
+ <braunr> bddebian: i'm just explaining why i don't want to work on large
+ scale projects on the hurd
+ <braunr> fixing local bugs is fine
+ <braunr> fixing paging is mandatory
+ <braunr> usb could be implemented with dde, perhaps by sharing the pci
+ handling code
+ <braunr> (i.e. have one big dde server with drivers inside, a bit ugly but
+ straightforward compared to a full fledged pci server)
+ <bddebian> braunr: But this is the problem I see. Those of you that have
+ the skills don't have the time or energy to put into fixing that kind of
+ stuff.
+ <bddebian> braunr: That was my thought.
+ <braunr> bddebian: well i have time, and i'm currently working :p
+ <braunr> but not on that
+ <braunr> bddebian: also, it won't be vaporware for long, i may have ipc
+ working well by the end of the year, and optimized and developer-friendly
+ by next year)
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-05
+ <braunr> i'll soon add my radix tree with support for lockless lookups :>
+ <braunr> a tree organized based on the values of the keys thmselves, and
+ not how they relatively compare to each other
+ <braunr> also, a tree of arrays, which takes advantage of cache locality
+ without the burden of expensive resizes
+ <arnuld> you seem to be applying good algorithmic teghniques
+ <arnuld> that is nice
+ <braunr> that's one goal of the project
+ <braunr> you can't achieve performance and scalability without the
+ appropriate techniques
+ <braunr> see
+ for the existing userspace implementation
+ <arnuld> in kern/work.c I see one TODO "allocate numeric IDs to better
+ identify worker threads"
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> and i'm adding my radix tree now exactly for that
+ <braunr> (well not only, since radix tree will also back VM objects and IPC
+ spaces, two major data structures of the kernel)
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-11
+ <braunr> and also starting paging anonymous memory in x15 :>
+ <braunr> well, i've merged my radix tree code, made it safe for lockless
+ access (or so i hope), added generic concurrent work queues
+ <braunr> and once the basic support for anonymous memory is done, x15 will
+ be able to load modules passed from grub into userspace :>
+ <braunr> but i've also been thinking about how to solve a major scalability
+ issue with capability based microkernels that noone else seem to have
+ seen or bothered thinking about
+ <braunr> for those interested, the problem is contention at the port level
+ <braunr> unlike on a monolithic kernel, or a microkernel with thread-based
+ ipc such as l4, mach and similar kernels use capabilities (port rights in
+ mach terminology) to communicate
+ <braunr> the kernel then has to "translate" that reference into a thread to
+ process the request
+ <braunr> this is done by using a port set, putting many ports inside, and
+ making worker threads receive messages on the port set
+ <braunr> and in practice, this gets very similar to a traditional thread
+ pool model
+ <braunr> one thread actually waits for a message, while others sit on a
+ list
+ <braunr> when a message arrives, the receiving thread wakes another from
+ that list so it receives the next message
+ <braunr> this is all done with a lock
+ <bddebian> Maybe they thought about it but couldn't or were to lazy to find
+ a better way? :)
+ <mcsim> braunr: what do you mean under "unlike .... a microkernel with
+ thread-based ipc such as l4, mach and similar kernels use capabilities"?
+ L4 also has capabilities.
+ <braunr> mcsim: not directly
+ <braunr> capabilities are implemented by a server on top of l4
+ <braunr> unless it's OKL4 or another variant with capabilities back in the
+ kernel
+ <braunr> i don't know how fiasco does it
+ <braunr> so the problem with this lock is potentially very heavy contention
+ <braunr> and contention in what is the equivalent of a system call ..
+ <braunr> it's also hard to make it real-time capable
+ <braunr> for example, in qnx, they temporarily apply priority inheritance
+ to *every* server thread since they don't know which one is going to be
+ receiving next
+ <mcsim> braunr: in fiasco you have capability pool for each thread and this
+ pool is stored in tread control block. When one allocates capability
+ kernel just marks slot in a pool as busy
+ <braunr> mcsim: ok but, there *is* a thread for each capability
+ <braunr> i mean, when doing ipc, there can only be one thread receiving the
+ message
+ <braunr> (iirc, this was one of the big issue for l4-hurd)
+ <mcsim> ok. i see the difference.
+ <braunr> well i'm asking
+ <braunr> i'm not so sure about fiasco
+ <braunr> but that's what i remember from the generic l4 spec
+ <mcsim> sorry, but where is the question?
+ <braunr> 16:04 < braunr> i mean, when doing ipc, there can only be one
+ thread receiving the message
+ <mcsim> yes, you specify capability to thread you want to send message to
+ <braunr> i'll rephrase:
+ <braunr> when you send a message, do you invoke a capability (as in mach),
+ or do you specify the receiving thread ?
+ <mcsim> you specify a thread
+ <braunr> that's my point
+ <mcsim> but you use local name (that is basically capability)
+ <braunr> i see
+ <braunr> from wikipedia: "Furthermore, Fiasco contains mechanisms for
+ controlling communication rights as well as kernel-level resource
+ consumption"
+ <braunr> not certain that's what it refers to, but that's what i understand
+ from it
+ <braunr> more capability features in the kernel
+ <braunr> but you still send to one thread
+ <mcsim> yes
+ <braunr> that's what makes it "easily" real time capable
+ <braunr> a microkernel that would provide mach-like semantics
+ (object-oriented messaging) but without contention at the messsage
+ passing level (and with resource preallocation for real time) would be
+ really great
+ <braunr> bddebian: i'm not sure anyone did
+ <bddebian> braunr: Well you can be the hero!! ;)
+ <braunr> the various papers i could find that were close to this subject
+ didn't take contention into account
+ <braunr> exception for network-distributed ipc on slow network links
+ <braunr> bddebian: eh
+ <braunr> well i think it's doable acctually
+ <mcsim> braunr: can you elaborate on where contention is, because I do not
+ see this clearly?
+ <braunr> mcsim: let's take a practical example
+ <braunr> a file system such as ext2fs, that you know well enough
+ <braunr> imagine a large machine with e.g. 64 processors
+ <braunr> and an ignorant developer like ourselves issuing make -j64
+ <braunr> every file access performed by the gcc tools will look up files,
+ and read/write/close them, concurrently
+ <braunr> at the server side, thread creation isn't a problem
+ <braunr> we could have as many threads as clients
+ <braunr> the problem is the port set
+ <braunr> for each port class/bucket (let's assume they map 1:1), a port set
+ is created, and all receive rights for the objects managed by the server
+ (the files) are inserted in this port set
+ <braunr> then, the server uses ports_manage_port_operations_multithread()
+ to service requests on that port set
+ <braunr> with as many threads required to process incoming messages, much
+ the same way a work queue does it
+ <braunr> but you can't have *all* threads receiving at the same time
+ <braunr> there can only be one
+ <braunr> the others are queued
+ <braunr> i did a change about the queue order a few months ago in mach btw
+ <braunr> mcsim: see ipc/ipc_thread.c in gnumach
+ <braunr> this queue is shared and must be modified, which basically means a
+ lock, and contention
+ <braunr> so the 64 concurrent gcc processes will suffer from contenion at
+ the server while they're doing something similar to a system call
+ <braunr> by that, i mean, even before the request is received
+ <braunr> mcsim: if you still don't understand, feel free to ask
+ <mcsim> braunr: I'm thinking on it :) give me some time
+ <braunr> "Fiasco.OC is a third generation microkernel, which evolved from
+ its predecessor L4/Fiasco. Fiasco.OC is capability based"
+ <braunr> ok
+ <braunr> so basically, there are no more interesting l4 variants strictly
+ following the l4v2 spec any more
+ <braunr> "The completely redesigned user-land environment running on top of
+ Fiasco.OC is called L4 Runtime Environment (L4Re). It provides the
+ framework to build multi-component systems, including a client/server
+ communication framework"
+ <braunr> so yes, client/server communication is built on top of the kernel
+ <braunr> something i really want to avoid actually
+ <mcsim> So when 1 core wants to pull something out of queue it has to lock
+ it, and the problem arrives when other 63 cpus are waiting in the same
+ lock. Right?
+ <braunr> mcsim: yes
+ <mcsim> could this be solved by implementing per cpu queues? Like in slab
+ allocator
+ <braunr> solved, no
+ <braunr> reduced, yes
+ <braunr> by using multiple port sets, each with their own thread pool
+ <braunr> but this would still leave core problems unsolved
+ <braunr> (those making real-time hard)
+ <mcsim> to make it real-time is not really essential to solve this problem
+ <braunr> that's the other way around
+ <mcsim> we just need to guarantee that locking protocol is fair
+ <braunr> solving this problem is required for quality real-time
+ <braunr> what you refer to is similar to what i described in qnx earlier
+ <braunr> it's ugly
+ <braunr> keep in mind that message passing is the equivalent of system
+ calls on monolithic kernels
+ <braunr> os ideally, we'd want something as close as possible to an
+ actually system call
+ <braunr> so*
+ <braunr> mcsim: do you see why it's ugly ?
+ <mcsim> no i meant exactly opposite, I meant to use some deterministic
+ locking protocol
+ <braunr> please elaborate
+ <braunr> because what qnx does is deterministic
+ <mcsim> We know in what sequences threads will acquire the lock, so we will
+ not have to apply inheritance to all threads
+ <braunr> hwo do you know ?
+ <mcsim> there are different approaches, like you use ticket system or MCS
+ lock (
+ <braunr> that's still locking
+ <braunr> a system call has 0 contention
+ <braunr> 0 potential contention
+ <mcsim> in linux?
+ <braunr> everywhere i assume
+ <mcsim> than why do they need locks?
+ <braunr> they need locks after the system call
+ <braunr> the system call itself is a stupid trap that makes the thread
+ "jump" in the kernel
+ <braunr> and the reason why it's so simple is the same as in fiasco:
+ threads (clients) communicate directly with the "server thread"
+ (themselves in kernel mode)
+ <braunr> so 1/ they don't go through a capability or any other abstraction
+ <braunr> and 2/ they're even faster than on fiasco because they don't need
+ to find the destination, it's implied by the trap mechanism)
+ <braunr> 2/ is only an optimization that we can live without
+ <braunr> but 1/ is a serious bottleneck for microkernels
+ <mcsim> Do you mean that there system call that process without locks or do
+ you mean that there are no system calls that use locks?
+ <braunr> this is what makes papers such as
+ valid
+ <braunr> i mean the system call (the mechanism used to query system
+ services) doesn't have to grab any lock
+ <braunr> the idea i have is to make the kernel transparently (well, as much
+ as it can be) associate a server thread to a client thread at the port
+ level
+ <braunr> at the server side, it would work practically the same
+ <braunr> the first time a server thread services a request, it's
+ automatically associated to a client, and subsequent request will
+ directly address this thread
+ <braunr> when the client is destroyed, the server gets notified and
+ destroys the associated server trhead
+ <braunr> for real-time tasks, i'm thinking of using a signal that gets sent
+ to all servers, notifying them of the thread creation so that they can
+ preallocate the server thread
+ <braunr> or rather, a signal to all servers wishing to be notified
+ <braunr> or perhaps the client has to reserve the resources itself
+ <braunr> i don't know, but that's the idea
+ <mcsim> and who will send this signal?
+ <braunr> the kernel
+ <braunr> x15 will provide unix like signals
+ <braunr> but i think the client doing explicit reservation is better
+ <braunr> more complicated, but better
+ <braunr> real time developers ought to know what they're doing anyway
+ <braunr> mcsim: the trick is using lockless synchronization (like rcu) at
+ the port so that looking up the matching server thread doesn't grab any
+ lock
+ <braunr> there would still be contention for the very first access, but
+ that looks much better than having it every time
+ <braunr> (potential contention)
+ <braunr> it also simplifies writing servers a lot, because it encourages
+ the use of a single port set for best performance
+ <braunr> instead of burdening the server writer with avoiding contention
+ with e.g. a hierarchical scheme
+ <mcsim> "looking up the matching server" -- looking up where?
+ <braunr> in the port
+ <mcsim> but why can't you just take first?
+ <braunr> that's what triggers contention
+ <braunr> you have to look at the first
+ <mcsim> > (16:34:13) braunr: mcsim: do you see why it's ugly ?
+ <mcsim> BTW, not really
+ <braunr> imagine serveral clients send concurrently
+ <braunr> mcsim: well, qnx doesn't do it every time
+ <braunr> qnx boosts server threads only when there are no thread currently
+ receiving, and a sender with a higher priority arrives
+ <braunr> since qnx can't know which server thread is going to be receiving
+ next, it boosts every thread
+ <braunr> boosting priority is expensive, and boosting everythread is linear
+ with the number of threads
+ <braunr> so on a big system, it would be damn slow for a system call :)
+ <mcsim> ok
+ <braunr> and grabbing "the first" can't be properly done without
+ serialization
+ <braunr> if several clients send concurrently, only one of them gets
+ serviced by the "first server thread"
+ <braunr> the second client will be serviced by the "second" (or the first
+ if it came back)
+ <braunr> making the second become the first (i call it the manager) must be
+ atomic
+ <braunr> that's the core of the problem
+ <braunr> i think it's very important because that's currently one of the
+ fundamental differences wih monolithic kernels
+ <mcsim> so looking up for server is done without contention. And just
+ assigning task to server requires lock, right?
+ <braunr> mcsim: basically yes
+ <braunr> i'm not sure it's that easy in practice but that's what i'll aim
+ at
+ <braunr> almost every argument i've read about microkernel vs monolithic is
+ full of crap
+ <mcsim> Do you mean lock on the whole queue or finer grained one?
+ <braunr> the whole port
+ <braunr> (including the queue)
+ <mcsim> why the whole port?
+ <braunr> how can you make it finer ?
+ <mcsim> is queue a linked list?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <mcsim> than can we just lock current element in the queue and elements
+ that point to current
+ <braunr> that's two lock
+ <braunr> and every sender will want "current"
+ <braunr> which then becomes coarse grained
+ <mcsim> but they want different current
+ <braunr> let's call them the manager and the spare threads
+ <braunr> yes, that's why there is a lock
+ <braunr> so they don't all get the same
+ <braunr> the manager is the one currently waiting for a message, while
+ spare threads are available but not doing anything
+ <braunr> when the manager finally receives a message, it takes the first
+ spare, which becomes the new manager
+ <braunr> exactly like in a common thread pool
+ <braunr> so what are you calling current ?
+ <mcsim> we have in a port queue of threads that wait for message: t1 -> t2
+ -> t3 -> t4; kernel decided to assign message to t3, than t3 and t2 are
+ locked.
+ <braunr> why not t1 and t2 ?
+ <mcsim> i was calling t3 in this example as current
+ <mcsim> some heuristics
+ <braunr> yeah well no
+ <braunr> it wouldn't be deterministic then
+ <mcsim> for instance client runs on core 3 and wants server that also runs
+ on core 3
+ <braunr> i really want the operation as close as a true system call as
+ possible, so O(1)
+ <braunr> what if there are none ?
+ <mcsim> it looks up forward up to the end of queue: t1->t2->t4; takes t4
+ <mcsim> than it starts from the beginning
+ <braunr> that becomes linear in the worst case
+ <mcsim> no
+ <braunr> so 4095 attempts on a 4096 cpus machine
+ <braunr> ?
+ <mcsim> you're right
+ <braunr> unfortunately :/
+ <braunr> a per-cpu scheme could be good
+ <braunr> and applicable
+ <braunr> with much more thought
+ <braunr> and the problem is that, unlike the kernel, which is naturally a
+ one thread per cpu server, userspace servers may have less or more
+ threads than cpu
+ <braunr> possibly unbalanced too
+ <braunr> so it would result in complicated code
+ <braunr> one good thing with microkernels is that they're small
+ <braunr> they don't pollute the instruction cache much
+ <braunr> keeping the code small is important for performance too
+ <braunr> so forgetting this kind of optimization makes for not too
+ complicated code, and we rely on the scheduler to properly balance
+ threads
+ <braunr> mcsim: also note that, with your idea, the worst cast is twice
+ more expensive than a single lock
+ <braunr> and on a machine with few processors, this worst case would be
+ likely
+ <mcsim> so, you propose every time try to take first server from the queue?
+ <mcsim> braunr: ^
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> that's what is done already
+ <braunr> i propose doing that the first time a client sends a message
+ <braunr> but then, the server thread that replied becomes strongly
+ associated to that client (it cannot service requests from other clients)
+ <braunr> and it can be recycled only when the client dies
+ <braunr> (which generates a signal indicating the server it can now recycle
+ the server thread)
+ <braunr> (a signal similar to the no-sender or dead-name notifications in
+ mach)
+ <braunr> that signal would be sent from the kernel, in the traditional unix
+ way (i.e. no dedicated signal thread since it would be another source of
+ contention)
+ <braunr> and the server thread would directly receive it, not interfering
+ with the other threads in the server in any way
+ <braunr> => contention on first message only
+ <braunr> now, for something like make -j64, which starts a different
+ process for each compilation (itself starting subprocesses for
+ preprocessing/compiling/assembling)
+ <braunr> it wouldn't be such a big win
+ <braunr> so even this first access should be optimized
+ <braunr> if you ever get an idea, feel free to share :)
+ <mcsim> May mach block thread when it performs asynchronous call?
+ <mcsim> braunr: ^
+ <braunr> sure
+ <braunr> but that's unrelated
+ <braunr> in mach, a sender is blocked only when the message queue is full
+ <mcsim> So we can introduce per cpu queues at the sender side
+ <braunr> (and mach_msg wasn't called in non blocking mode obviously)
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> they need to be delivered in order
+ <mcsim> In what order?
+ <braunr> messages can't be reorder once queued
+ <braunr> reordered
+ <braunr> so fifo order
+ <braunr> if you break the queue in per cpu queues, you may break that, or
+ need work to rebuild the order
+ <braunr> which negates the gain from using per cpu queues
+ <mcsim> Messages from the same thread will be kept in order
+ <braunr> are you sure ?
+ <braunr> and i'm not sure it's enough
+ <mcsim> thes cpu queues will be put to common queue once context switch
+ occurs
+ <braunr> *all* messages must be received in order
+ <mcsim> these*
+ <braunr> uh ?
+ <braunr> you want each context switch to grab a global lock ?
+ <mcsim> if you have parallel threads that send messages that do not have
+ dependencies than they are unordered
+ <mcsim> always
+ <braunr> the problem is they might
+ <braunr> consider auth for example
+ <braunr> you have one client attempting to authenticate itself to a server
+ through the auth server
+ <braunr> if message order is messed up, it just won't work
+ <braunr> but i don't have this problem in x15, since all ipc (except
+ signals) is synchronous
+ <mcsim> but it won't be messed up. You just "send" messages in O(1), but
+ than you put these messages that are not actually sent in queue all at
+ once
+ <braunr> i think i need more details please
+ <mcsim> you have lock on the port as it works now, not the kernel lock
+ <mcsim> the idea is to batch these calls
+ <braunr> i see
+ <braunr> batching can be effective, but it would really require queueing
+ <braunr> x15 only queues clients when there is no receiver
+ <braunr> i don't think batching can be applied there
+ <mcsim> you batch messages only from one client
+ <braunr> that's what i'm saying
+ <mcsim> so client can send several messages during his time slice and than
+ you put them into queue all together
+ <braunr> x15 ipc is synchronous, no more than 1 message per client at any
+ time
+ <braunr> there also are other problems with this strategy
+ <braunr> problems we have on the hurd, such as priority handling
+ <braunr> if you delay the reception of messages, you also delay priority
+ inheritance to the server thread
+ <braunr> well not the reception, the queueing actually
+ <braunr> but since batching is about delaying that, it's the same
+ <mcsim> if you use synchronous ipc than there is no sence in batching, at
+ least as I see it.
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> 18:08 < braunr> i don't think batching can be applied there
+ <braunr> and i think sync ipc is the only way to go for a system intended
+ to provide messaging performance as close as possible to the system call
+ <mcsim> do you have as many server thread as many cores you have?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> as many server threads as clients
+ <braunr> which matches the monolithic model
+ <mcsim> in current implementation?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> currently i don't have userspace :>
+ <mcsim> and what is in hurd atm?
+ <mcsim> in gnumach
+ <braunr> asyn ipc
+ <braunr> async
+ <braunr> with message queues
+ <braunr> no priority inheritance, simple "handoff" on message delivery,
+ that's all
+ <anatoly> I managed to read the conversation :-)
+ <braunr> eh
+ <braunr> anatoly: any opinion on this ?
+ <anatoly> braunr: I have no opinion. I understand it partially :-) But
+ association of threads sounds for me as good idea
+ <anatoly> But who am I to say what is good or what is not in that area :-)
+ <braunr> there still is this "first time" issue which needs at least one
+ atomic instruction
+ <anatoly> I see. Does mach do this "first time" thing every time?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> but gnumach is uniprocessor so it doesn't matter
+ <mcsim> if we have 1:1 relation for client and server threads we need only
+ per-cpu queues
+ <braunr> mcsim: explain that please
+ <braunr> and the problem here is establishing this relation
+ <braunr> with a lockless lookup, i don't even need per cpu queues
+ <mcsim> you said: (18:11:16) braunr: as many server threads as clients
+ <mcsim> how do you create server threads?
+ <braunr> pthread_create
+ <braunr> :)
+ <mcsim> ok :)
+ <mcsim> why and when do you create a server thread?
+ <braunr> there must be at least one unbound thread waiting for a message
+ <braunr> when a message is received, that thread knows it's now bound with
+ a client, and if needed wakes up/spawns another thread to wait for
+ incoming messages
+ <braunr> when it gets a signal indicating the death of the client, it knows
+ it's now unbound, and goes back to waiting for new messages
+ <braunr> becoming either the manager or a spare thread if there already is
+ a manager
+ <braunr> a timer could be used as it's done on the hurd to make unbound
+ threads die after a timeout
+ <braunr> the distinction between the manager and spare threads would only
+ be done at the kernel level
+ <braunr> the server would simply make unbound threads wait on the port set
+ <anatoly> How client sends signal to thread about its death (as I
+ understand signal is not message) (sorry for noob question)
+ <mcsim> in what you described there are no queues at all
+ <braunr> anatoly: the kernel does it
+ <braunr> mcsim: there is, in the kernel
+ <braunr> the queue of spare threads
+ <braunr> anatoly: don't apologize for noob questions eh
+ <anatoly> braunr: is that client is a thread of some user space task?
+ <braunr> i don't think it's a newbie topic at all
+ <braunr> anatoly: a thread
+ <mcsim> make these queue per cpu
+ <braunr> why ?
+ <braunr> there can be a lot less spare threads than processors
+ <braunr> i don't think it's a good idea to spawn one thread per cpu per
+ port set
+ <braunr> on a large machine you'd have tons of useless threads
+ <mcsim> if you have many useless threads, than assign 1 thread to several
+ core, thus you will have twice less threads
+ <mcsim> i mean dynamically
+ <braunr> that becomes a hierarchical model
+ <braunr> it does reduce contention, but it's complicated, and for now i'm
+ not sure it's worth it
+ <braunr> it could be a tunable though
+ <mcsim> if you want something fast you should use something complicated.
+ <braunr> really ?
+ <braunr> a system call is very simple and very fast
+ <braunr> :p
+ <mcsim> why is it fast?
+ <mcsim> you still have a lot of threads in kernel
+ <braunr> but they don't interact during the system call
+ <braunr> the system call itself is usually a simple instruction with most
+ of it handled in hardware
+ <mcsim> if you invoke "write" system call, what do you do in kernel?
+ <braunr> you look up the function address in a table
+ <mcsim> you still have queues
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> sorry wait
+ <braunr> by system call, i mean "the transition from userspace to kernel
+ space"
+ <braunr> and the return
+ <braunr> not the service itself
+ <braunr> the equivalent on a microkernel system is sending a message from a
+ client, and receiving it in a server, not processing the request
+ <braunr> ideally, that's what l4 does: switching from one thread to
+ another, as simply and quickly as the hardware can
+ <braunr> so just a context and address space switch
+ <mcsim> at some point you put something in queue even in monolithic kernel
+ and make request to some other kernel thread
+ <braunr> the problem here is the indirection that is the capability
+ <braunr> yes but that's the service
+ <braunr> i don't care about the service here
+ <braunr> i care about how the request reaches the server
+ <mcsim> this division exist for microkernels
+ <mcsim> for monolithic it's all mixed
+ <anatoly> What does thread do when it receive a message?
+ <braunr> anatoly: what it wants :p
+ <braunr> the service
+ <braunr> mcsim: ?
+ <braunr> mixed ?
+ <anatoly> braunr: hm, is it a thread of some server?
+ <mcsim> if you have several working threads in monolithic kernel you have
+ to put request in queue
+ <braunr> anatoly: yes
+ <braunr> mcsim: why would you have working threads ?
+ <mcsim> and there is no difference either you consider it as service or
+ just "transition from userspace to kernel space"
+ <braunr> i mean, it's a good thing to have, they usually do, but they're
+ not implied
+ <braunr> they're completely irrelevant to the discussion here
+ <braunr> of course there is
+ <braunr> you might very well perform system calls that don't involve
+ anything shared
+ <mcsim> you can also have only one working thread in microkernel
+ <braunr> yes
+ <mcsim> and all clients will wait for it
+ <braunr> you're mixing up work queues in the discussion here
+ <braunr> server threads are very similar to a work queue, yes
+ <mcsim> but you gave me an example with 64 cores and each core runs some
+ server thread
+ <braunr> they're a thread pool handling requests
+ <mcsim> you can have only one thread in a pool
+ <braunr> they have to exist in a microkernel system to provide concurrency
+ <braunr> monolithic kernels can process concurrently without them though
+ <mcsim> why?
+ <braunr> because on a monolithic system, _every client thread is its own
+ server_
+ <braunr> a thread making a system call is exactly like a client requesting
+ a service
+ <braunr> on a monolithic kernel, the server is the kernel
+ <braunr> and it *already* has as many threads as clients
+ <braunr> and that's pretty much the only thing beautiful about monolithic
+ kernels
+ <mcsim> right
+ <mcsim> have to think about it :)
+ <braunr> that's why they scale so easily compared to microkernel based
+ systems
+ <braunr> and why l4 people chose to have thread-based ipc
+ <braunr> but this just moves the problems to an upper level
+ <braunr> and is probably why they've realized one of the real values of
+ microkernel systems is capabilities
+ <braunr> and if you want to make them fast enough, they should be handled
+ directly by the kernel
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-13
+ <bddebian> Heya Richard. Solve the worlds problems yet? :)
+ <kilobug> bddebian: I fear the worlds problems are NP-complete ;)
+ <bddebian> heh
+ <braunr> bddebian: i wish i could solve mine at least :p
+ <bddebian> braunr: I meant the contention thing you were discussing the
+ other day :)
+ <braunr> bddebian: oh
+ <braunr> i have a solution that improves the behaviour yes, but there is
+ still contention the first time a thread performs an ipc
+ <bddebian> Any thread or the first time there is contention?
+ <braunr> there may be contention the first time a thread sends a message to
+ a server
+ <braunr> (assuming a server uses a single port set to receive requests)
+ <bddebian> Oh aye
+ <braunr> i think it's as much as can be done considering there is a
+ translation from capability to thread
+ <braunr> other schemes are just too heavy, and thus don't scale well
+ <braunr> this translation is one of the two important nice properties of
+ microkernel based systems, and translations (or indrections) usually have
+ a cost
+ <braunr> so we want to keep them
+ <braunr> and we have to accept that cost
+ <braunr> the amount of code in the critical section should be so small it
+ should only matter for machines with several hundreds or thousands
+ processors
+ <braunr> so it's not such a bit problem
+ <bddebian> OK
+ <braunr> but it would have been nice to have an additional valid
+ theoretical argument to explain how ipc isn't that slow compared to
+ system calls
+ <braunr> s/bit/big/
+ <braunr> people keep saying l4 made ipc as fast as system calls without
+ taking that stuff into account
+ <braunr> which makes the community look lame in the eyes of those familiar
+ with it
+ <bddebian> heh
+ <braunr> with my solution, persistent applications like databases should
+ perform as fast as on an l4 like kernel
+ <braunr> but things like parallel builds, which start many different
+ processes for each file, will suffer a bit more from contention
+ <braunr> seems like a fair compromise to me
+ <bddebian> Aye
+ <braunr> as mcsim said, there is a lot of contention about everywhere in
+ almost every application
+ <braunr> and lockless stuff is hard to correctly implement
+ <braunr> os it should be all right :)
+ <braunr> ... :)
+ <mcsim> braunr: What if we have at least 1 thread for each core that stay
+ in per-core queue. When we decide to kill a thread and this thread is
+ last in a queue we replace it with load balancer. This is still worse
+ than with monolithic kernel, but it is simplier to implement from kernel
+ perspective.
+ <braunr> mcsim: it doesn't scale well
+ <braunr> you end up with one thread per cpu per port set
+ <mcsim> load balancer is only one thread
+ <mcsim> why would it end up like you said?
+ <braunr> remember the goal is to avoid contention
+ <braunr> your proposition is to set per cpu queues
+ <braunr> the way i understand what you said, it means clients will look up
+ a server thread in these queues
+ <braunr> one of them actually, the one for the cpu they're currently
+ running one
+ <braunr> so 1/ it disables migration
+ <braunr> or 2/ you have one server thread per client per cpu
+ <braunr> i don't see what a "load balancer" would do here
+ <mcsim> client either finds server thread without contention or it sends
+ message to load balancer, that redirects message to thread from global
+ queue. Where global queue is concatenation of local ones.
+ <braunr> you can't concatenate local queues in a global one
+ <braunr> if you do that, you end up with a global queue, and a global lock
+ again
+ <mcsim> not global
+ <mcsim> load balancer is just one
+ <braunr> then you serialize all remote messaging through a single thread
+ <mcsim> so contention will be only among local thread and load balancer
+ <braunr> i don't see how it doesn't make the load balancer global
+ <mcsim> it makes
+ <mcsim> but it just makes bootstraping harder
+ <braunr> i'm not following
+ <braunr> and i don't see how it improves on my solution
+ <mcsim> in your example with make -j64 very soon there will be local
+ threads at any core
+ <braunr> yes, hence the lack of scalability
+ <mcsim> but that's your goal: create as many server thread as many clients
+ you have, isn't it?
+ <braunr> your solution may create a lot more
+ <braunr> again, one per port set (or server) per cpu
+ <braunr> imagine this worst case: you have a single client with one thread
+ <braunr> which gets migrated to every cpu on the machine
+ <braunr> it will spawn one thread per cpu at the server side
+ <mcsim> why would it migrate all the time?
+ <braunr> it's a worst case
+ <braunr> if it can migrate, consider it will
+ <braunr> murphy's law, you know
+ <braunr> also keep in mind contention doesn't always occur with a global
+ lock
+ <braunr> i'm talking about potential contention
+ <braunr> and same things apply: if it can happen, consider it will
+ <mcsim> than we can make load balancer that also migrates server threads
+ <braunr> ok so in addition to worker threads, we'll add an additional per
+ server load balancer which may have to lock several queues at once
+ <braunr> doesn't it feel completely overkill to you ?
+ <mcsim> load balancer is global, not per-cpu
+ <mcsim> there could be contention for it
+ <braunr> again, keep in mind this problem becomes important for several
+ hundreds processors, not below
+ <braunr> yes but it has to balance
+ <braunr> which means it has to lock cpu queues
+ <braunr> and at least two of them to "migrate" server threads
+ <braunr> and i don't know why it would do that
+ <braunr> i don't see the point of the load balancer
+ <mcsim> so, you start make -j64. First 64 invocations of gcc will suffer
+ from contention for load balancer, but later on it will create enough
+ server threads and contention will disappear
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> that's the best case : there is always one server thread per cpu
+ queue
+ <braunr> how do you guarantee your 64 server threads don't end up in the
+ same cpu queue ?
+ <braunr> (without disabling migration)
+ <mcsim> load balancer will try to put some server thread to the core where
+ load balancer was invoked
+ <braunr> so there is no guarantee
+ <mcsim> LB can pin server thread
+ <braunr> unless we invoke it regularly, in a way similar to what is already
+ done in the SMP scheduler :/
+ <braunr> and this also means one balancer per cpu then
+ <mcsim> why one balance per cpu?
+ <braunr> 15:56 < mcsim> load balancer will try to put some server thread to
+ the core where load balancer was invoked
+ <braunr> why only where it was invoked ?
+ <mcsim> because it assumes that if some one asked for server at core x, it
+ most likely will ask for the same service from the same core
+ <braunr> i'm not following
+ <mcsim> LB just tries to prefetch were next call will be
+ <braunr> what you're describing really looks like per-cpu work queues ...
+ <braunr> i don't see how you make sure there aren't too many threads
+ <braunr> i don't see how a load balancer helps
+ <braunr> this is just an heuristic
+ <mcsim> when server thread is created?
+ <mcsim> who creates it?
+ <braunr> and it may be useless, depending on how threads are migrated and
+ when they call the server
+ <braunr> same answer as yesterday
+ <braunr> there must be at least one thread receiving messages on a port set
+ <braunr> when a message arrives, if there aren't any spare threads, it
+ spawns one to receive messages while it processes the request
+ <mcsim> at the moment server threads are killed by timeout, right?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> well no
+ <braunr> there is a debian patch that disables that
+ <braunr> because there is something wrong with thread destruction
+ <braunr> but that's an implementation bug, not a design issue
+ <mcsim> so it is the mechanism how we insure that there aren't too many
+ threads
+ <mcsim> it helps because yesterday I proposed to hierarchical scheme, were
+ one server thread could wait in cpu queues of several cores
+ <mcsim> but this has to be implemented in kernel
+ <braunr> a hierarchical scheme would help yes
+ <braunr> a bit
+ <mcsim> i propose scheme that could be implemented in userspace
+ <braunr> ?
+ <mcsim> kernel should not distinguish among load balancer and server thread
+ <braunr> sorry this is too confusing
+ <braunr> please start describing what you have in mind from the start
+ <mcsim> ok
+ <mcsim> so my starting point was to use hierarchical management
+ <mcsim> but the drawback was that to implement it you have to do this in
+ kernel
+ <mcsim> right?
+ <braunr> no
+ <mcsim> so I thought how can this be implemented in user space
+ <braunr> being in kernel isn't the problem
+ <braunr> contention is
+ <braunr> on the contrary, i want ipc in kernel exactly because that's where
+ you have the most control over how it happens
+ <braunr> and can provide the best performance
+ <braunr> ipc is the main kernel responsibility
+ <mcsim> but if you have few clients you have low contention
+ <braunr> the goal was "0 potential contention"
+ <mcsim> and if you have many clients, you have many servers
+ <braunr> let's say server threads
+ <braunr> for me, a server is a server task or process
+ <mcsim> right
+ <braunr> so i think 0 potential contention is just impossible
+ <braunr> or it requires too many resources that make the solution not
+ scalable
+ <mcsim> 0 contention is impossible, since you have disbalance in numbers of
+ client threads and server threads
+ <braunr> well no
+ <braunr> it *canù be achieved
+ <braunr> imagine servers register themselves to the kernel
+ <braunr> and the kernel signals them when a client thread is spawned
+ <braunr> you'd effectively have one server thread per client
+ <braunr> (there would be other problems like e.g. when a server thread
+ becomes the client of another, etc..)
+ <braunr> so it's actually possible
+ <braunr> but we clearly don't want that, unless perhaps for real time
+ threads
+ <braunr> but please continue
+ <mcsim> what does "and the kernel signals them when a client thread is
+ spawned" mean?
+ <braunr> it means each time a thread not part of a server thread is
+ created, servers receive a signal meaning "hey, there's a new thread out
+ there, you might want to preallocate a server thread for it"
+ <mcsim> and what is the difference with creating thread on demand?
+ <braunr> on demand can occur when receiving a message
+ <braunr> i.e. during syscall
+ <mcsim> I will continue, I just want to be sure that I'm not basing on
+ wrong assumtions.
+ <mcsim> and what is bad in that?
+ <braunr> (just to clarify, i use the word "syscall" with the same meaning
+ as "RPC" on a microkernel system, whereas it's a true syscall on a
+ monolithic one)
+ <braunr> contention
+ <braunr> whether you have contention on a list of threads or on map entries
+ when allocating a stack doesn't matter
+ <braunr> the problem is contention
+ <mcsim> and if we create server thread always?
+ <mcsim> and do not keep them in queue?
+ <braunr> always ?
+ <mcsim> yes
+ <braunr> again
+ <braunr> you'd have to allocate a stack for it
+ <braunr> every time
+ <braunr> so two potentially heavy syscalls to allocate/free the stac
+ <braunr> k
+ <braunr> not to mention the thread itself, its associations with its task,
+ ipc space, maintaining reference counts
+ <braunr> (moar contention)
+ <braunr> creating threads was considered cheap at the time the process was
+ the main unit of concurrency
+ <mcsim> ok, than we will have the same contention if we will create a
+ thread when "the kernel signals them when a client thread is spawned"
+ <braunr> now we have work queues / thread pools just to avoid that
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> because that contention happens at thread creation
+ <braunr> not during a syscall
+ <braunr> i'll redefine the problem: the problem is contention during a
+ system call / IPC
+ <mcsim> ok
+ <braunr> note that my current solution is very close to signalling every
+ server
+ <braunr> it's the lazy version
+ <braunr> match at first IPC time
+ <mcsim> so I was basing my plan on the case when we create new thread when
+ client makes syscall and there is not enough server threads
+ <braunr> the problem exists even when there is enough server threads
+ <braunr> we shouldn't consider the case where there aren't enough server
+ threads
+ <braunr> real time tasks are the only ones which want that, and can
+ preallocate resources explicitely
+ <mcsim> I think that real time tasks should be really separated
+ <mcsim> For them resource availability as much more important that good
+ resource utilisation.
+ <mcsim> So if we talk about real time tasks we should apply one police and
+ for non-real time another
+ <mcsim> So it shouldn't be critical if thread is created during syscall
+ <braunr> agreed
+ <braunr> that's what i was saying :
+ <braunr> :)
+ <braunr> 16:23 < braunr> we shouldn't consider the case where there aren't
+ enough server threads
+ <braunr> in this case, we spawn a thread, and that's ok
+ <braunr> it will live on long enough that we really don't care about the
+ cost of lazily creating it
+ <braunr> so let's concentrate only on the case where there already are
+ enough server threads
+ <mcsim> So if client makes a request to ST (is it ok to use abbreviations?)
+ there are several cases:
+ <mcsim> 1/ There is ST waiting on local queue (trivial case)
+ <mcsim> 2/ There is no ST, only load balancer (LB). LB decides to create a
+ new thread
+ <mcsim> 3/ Like in previous case, but LB decides to perform migration
+ <braunr> migration of what ?
+ <mcsim> migration of ST from other core
+ <braunr> the only case effectively solving the problem is 1
+ <braunr> others introduce contention, and worse, complex code
+ <braunr> i mean a complex solution
+ <braunr> not only code
+ <braunr> even the addition of a load balancer per port set
+ <braunr> thr data structures involved for proper migration
+ <mcsim> But 2 and 3 in long run will lead to having enough threads on all
+ cores
+ <braunr> then you end up having 1 per client per cpu
+ <mcsim> migration is needed in any case
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> why would it be ?
+ <mcsim> to balance load
+ <mcsim> not only for this case
+ <braunr> there already is load balancing in the scheduler
+ <braunr> we don't want to duplicate its function
+ <mcsim> what kind of load balancing?
+ <mcsim> *has scheduler
+ <braunr> thread weight / cpu
+ <mcsim> and does it perform migration?
+ <braunr> sure
+ <mcsim> so scheduler can be simplified if policy "when to migrate" will be
+ moved to user space
+ <braunr> this is becoming a completely different problem
+ <braunr> and i don't want to do that
+ <braunr> it's very complicated for no real world benefit
+ <mcsim> but all this will be done in userspace
+ <braunr> ?
+ <braunr> all what ?
+ <mcsim> migration decisions
+ <braunr> in your scheme you mean ?
+ <mcsim> yes
+ <braunr> explain how
+ <mcsim> LB will decide when thread will migrate
+ <mcsim> and LB is user space task
+ <braunr> what does it bring ?
+ <braunr> imagine that, in the mean time, the scheduler then decides the
+ client should migrate to another processor for fairness
+ <braunr> you'd have migrated a server thread once for no actual benefit
+ <braunr> or again, you need to disable migration for long durations, which
+ sucks
+ <braunr> also
+ <braunr> 17:06 < mcsim> But 2 and 3 in long run will lead to having enough
+ threads on all cores
+ <braunr> contradicts the need for a load balancer
+ <braunr> if you have enough threads every where, why do you need to balance
+ ?
+ <mcsim> and how are you going to deal with the case when client will
+ migrate all the time?
+ <braunr> i intend to implement something close to thread migration
+ <mcsim> because some of them can die because of timeout
+ <braunr> something l4 already does iirc
+ <braunr> the thread scheduler manages scheduling contexts
+ <braunr> which can be shared by different threads
+ <braunr> which means the server thread bound to its client will share the
+ scheduling context
+ <braunr> the only thing that gets migrated is the scheduling context
+ <braunr> the same way a thread can be migrated indifferently on a
+ monolithic system, whether it's in user of kernel space (with kernel
+ preemption enabled ofc)
+ <braunr> or*
+ <mcsim> but how server thread can process requests from different clients?
+ <braunr> mcsim: load becomes a problem when there are too many threads, not
+ when they're dying
+ <braunr> they can't
+ <braunr> at first message, they're *bound*
+ <braunr> => one server thread per client
+ <braunr> when the client dies, the server thread is ubound and can be
+ recycled
+ <braunr> unbound*
+ <mcsim> and you intend to put recycled threads to global queue, right?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <mcsim> and I propose to put them in local queues in hope that next client
+ will be on the same core
+ <braunr> the thing is, i don't see the benefit
+ <braunr> next client could be on another
+ <braunr> in which case it gets a lot heavier than the extremely small
+ critical section i have in mind
+ <mcsim> but most likely it could be on the same
+ <braunr> uh, no
+ <mcsim> becouse on this load on this core is decreased
+ <mcsim> *because
+ <braunr> well, ok, it would likely remain on the same cpu
+ <braunr> but what happens when it migrates ?
+ <braunr> and what about memory usage ?
+ <braunr> one queue per cpu per port set can get very large
+ <braunr> (i understand the proposition better though, i think)
+ <mcsim> we can ask also "What if random access in memory will be more usual
+ than sequential?", but we still optimise sequential one, making random
+ sometimes even worse. The real question is "How can we maximise benefit
+ of knowledge where free server thread resides?"
+ <mcsim> previous was reply to: "(17:17:08) braunr: but what happens when it
+ migrates ?"
+ <braunr> i understand
+ <braunr> you optimize for the common case
+ <braunr> where a lot more ipc occurs than migrations
+ <braunr> agreed
+ <braunr> now, what happens when the server thread isn't in the local queue
+ ?
+ <mcsim> than client request will be handled to LB
+ <braunr> why not search directly itself ?
+ <braunr> (and btw, the right word is "then")
+ <mcsim> LB can decide whom to migrate
+ <mcsim> right, sorry
+ <braunr> i thought you were improving on my scheme
+ <braunr> which implies there is a 1:1 mapping for client and server threads
+ <mcsim> If job of LB is too small than it can be removed and everything
+ will be done in kernel
+ <braunr> it can't be done in userspace anyway
+ <braunr> these queues are in the port / port set structures
+ <braunr> it could be done though
+ <braunr> i mean
+ <braunr> using per cpu queues
+ <braunr> server threads could be both in per cpu queues and in a global
+ queue as long as they exist
+ <mcsim> there should be no global queue, because there again will be
+ contention for it
+ <braunr> mcsim: accessing a load balancer implies contention
+ <braunr> there is contention anyway
+ <braunr> what you're trying to do is reduce it in the first message case if
+ i'm right
+ <mcsim> braunr: yes
+ <braunr> well then we have to revise a few assumptions
+ <braunr> 17:26 < braunr> you optimize for the common case
+ <braunr> 17:26 < braunr> where a lot more ipc occurs than migrations
+ <braunr> that actually becomes wrong
+ <braunr> the first message case occurs for newly created threads
+ <mcsim> for make -j64 this is actually common case
+ <braunr> and those are usually not spawn on the processor their parent runs
+ on
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> if you need all processors, yes
+ <braunr> i don't think taking into account this property changes many
+ things
+ <braunr> per cpu queues still remain the best way to avoid contention
+ <braunr> my problem with this solution is that you may end up with one
+ unbound thread per processor per server
+ <braunr> also, i say "per server", but it's actually per port set
+ <braunr> and even per port depending on how a server is written
+ <braunr> (the system will use one port set for one server in the common
+ case but still)
+ <braunr> so i'll start with a global queue for unbound threads
+ <braunr> and the day we decide it should be optimized with local (or
+ hierarchical) queues, we can still do it without changing the interface
+ <braunr> or by simply adding an option at port / port set creation
+ <braunr> whicih is a non intrusive change
+ <mcsim> ok. your solution should be simplier. And TBH, what I propose is
+ not clearly much mory gainful.
+ <braunr> well it is actually for big systems
+ <braunr> it is because instead of grabbing a lock, you disable preemption
+ <braunr> which means writing to a local, uncontended variable
+ <braunr> with 0 risk of cache line bouncing
+ <braunr> this actually looks very good to me now
+ <braunr> using an option to control this behaviour
+ <braunr> and yes, in the end, it gets very similar to the slab allocator,
+ where you can disable the cpu pool layer with a flag :)
+ <braunr> (except the serialized case would be the default one here)
+ <braunr> mcsim: thanks for insisting
+ <braunr> or being persistent
+ <mcsim> braunr: thanks for conversation :)
+ <mcsim> and probably I had to start from statement that I wanted to improve
+ common case
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-20
+ <congzhang> braunr: how about your x15, it is impovement for mach or
+ redesign? I really want to know that:)
+ <braunr> it's both largely based on mach and now quite far from it
+ <braunr> based on mach from a functional point of view
+ <braunr> i.e. the kernel assumes practically the same functions, with a
+ close interface
+ <congzhang> Good point:)
+ <braunr> except for ipc which is entirely rewritten
+ <braunr> why ? :)
+ <congzhang> for from a functional point of view:) I think each design has
+ it intrinsic advantage and disadvantage
+ <braunr> but why is it good ?
+ <congzhang> if redesign , I may need wait more time to a new function hurd
+ <braunr> you'll have to wait a long time anyway :p
+ <congzhang> Improvement was better sometimes, although redesign was more
+ attraction sometimes :)
+ <congzhang> I will wait :)
+ <braunr> i wouldn't put that as a reason for it being good
+ <braunr> this is a departure from what current microkernel projects are
+ doing
+ <braunr> i.e. x15 is a hybrid
+ <congzhang> Sure, it is good from design too:)
+ <braunr> yes but i don't see why you say that
+ <congzhang> Sorry, i did not show my view clear, it is good from design
+ too:)
+ <braunr> you're just saying it's good, you're not saying why you think it's
+ good
+ <congzhang> I would like to talk hybrid, I want to talk that, but I am a
+ litter afraid that you are all enthusiasm microkernel fans
+ <braunr> well no i'm not
+ <braunr> on the contrary, i'm personally opposed to the so called
+ "microkernel dogma"
+ <braunr> but i can give you reasons why, i'd like you to explain why *you*
+ think a hybrid design is better
+ <congzhang> so, when I talk apple or nextstep, I got one soap :)
+ <braunr> that's different
+ <braunr> these are still monolithic kernels
+ <braunr> well, monolithic systems running on a microkernel
+ <congzhang> yes, I view this as one type of hybrid
+ <braunr> no it's not
+ <congzhang> microkernel wan't to divide process ( task ) from design view,
+ It is great
+ <congzhang> as implement view or execute view, we have one cpu and some
+ physic memory, as the simplest condition, we can't change that
+ <congzhang> that what resource the system has
+ <braunr> what's your point ?
+ <congzhang> I view this as follow
+ <congzhang> I am cpu and computer
+ <congzhang> application are the things I need to do
+ <congzhang> for running the program and finish the job, which way is the
+ best way for me
+ <congzhang> I need keep all the thing as simple as possible, divide just
+ from application design view, for me no different
+ <congzhang> desgin was microkernel , run just for one cpu and these
+ resource.
+ <braunr> (well there can be many processors actually)
+ <congzhang> I know, I mean hybrid at some level, we can't escape that
+ <congzhang> braunr: I show my point?
+ <braunr> well l4 systems showed we somehow can
+ <braunr> no you didn't
+ <congzhang> x15's api was rpc, right?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> well a few system calls, and mostly rpcs on top of the ipc one
+ <braunr> jsu tas with mach
+ <congzhang> and you hope the target logic run locally just like in process
+ function call, right?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> it can't run locally
+ <congzhang> you need thread context switch
+ <braunr> and address space context switch
+ <congzhang> but you cut down the cost
+ <braunr> how so ?
+ <congzhang> I mean you do it, right?
+ <congzhang> x15
+ <braunr> yes but no in this way
+ <braunr> in every other way :p
+ <congzhang> I know, you remeber performance anywhere :p
+ <braunr> i still don't see your point
+ <braunr> i'd like you to tell, in one sentence, why you think hybrids are
+ better
+ <congzhang> balance the design and implement problem :p
+ <braunr> which is ?
+ <congzhang> hybird for kernel arc
+ <braunr> you're stating the solution inside the problem
+ <congzhang> you are good at mathmatics
+ <congzhang> sorry, I am not native english speaker
+ <congzhang> braunr: I will find some more suitable sentence to show my
+ point some day, but I can't find one if you think I did not show my
+ point:)
+ <congzhang> for today
+ <braunr> too bad
+ <congzhang> If i am computer I hope the arch was monolithic, If i am
+ programer I hope the arch was microkernel, that's my idea
+ <braunr> ok let's get a bit faster
+ <braunr> monolithic for performance ?
+ <congzhang> braunr: sorry for that, and thank you for the talk:)
+ <braunr> (a computer doesn't "hope")
+ <congzhang> braunr: you need very clear answer, I can't give you that,
+ sorry again
+ <braunr> why do you say "If i am computer I hope the arch was monolithic" ?
+ <congzhang> I know you can slove any single problem
+ <braunr> no i don't, and it's not about me
+ <braunr> i'm just curious
+ <congzhang> I do the work for myself, as my own view, all the resource
+ belong to me, I does not think too much arch related divide was need, if
+ I am the computer :P
+ <braunr> separating address spaces helps avoiding serious errors like
+ corrupting memory of unrelated subsystems
+ <braunr> how does one not want that ?
+ <braunr> (except for performance)
+ <congzhang> braunr: I am computer when I say that words!
+ <braunr> a computer doesn't want anything
+ <braunr> users (including developers) on the other way are the point of
+ view you should have
+ <congzhang> I am engineer other time
+ <congzhang> we create computer, but they are lifeable just my feeling, hope
+ not talk this topic
+ <braunr> what ?
+ <congzhang> I mark computer as life things
+ <braunr> please don't
+ <braunr> and even, i'll make a simple example in favor of isolating
+ resources
+ <braunr> if we, humans, were able to control all of our "resources", we
+ could for example shut down our heart by mistake
+ <congzhang> back to the topic, I think monolithic was easy to understand,
+ and cut the combinatorial problem count for the perfect software
+ <braunr> the reason the body have so many involuntary functions is probably
+ because those who survived did so because these functions were
+ involuntary and controlled by separated physiological functions
+ <braunr> now that i've made this absurd point, let's just not consider
+ computers as life forms
+ <braunr> microkernels don't make a system that more complicated
+ <congzhang> they does
+ <braunr> no
+ <congzhang> do
+ <braunr> they create isolation
+ <braunr> and another layer of indirection with capabilities
+ <braunr> that's it
+ <braunr> it's not that more complicated
+ <congzhang> view the kernel function from more nature view, execute some
+ code
+ <braunr> what ?
+ <congzhang> I know the benefit of the microkernel and the os
+ <congzhang> it's complicated
+ <braunr> not that much
+ <congzhang> I agree with you
+ <congzhang> microkernel was the idea of organization
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> but always keep in mind your goal when thinking about means to
+ achieve them
+ <congzhang> we do the work at diferent view
+ <kilobug> what's quite complicated is making a microkernel design without
+ too much performances loss, but aside from that performances issue, it's
+ not really much more complicated
+ <congzhang> hurd do the work at os level
+ <kilobug> even a monolithic kernel is made of several subsystems that
+ communicated with each others using an API
+ <core-ix> i'm reading this conversation for some time now
+ <core-ix> and I have to agree with braunr
+ <core-ix> microkernels simplify the design
+ <braunr> yes and no
+ <braunr> i think it depends a lot on the availability of capabilities
+ <core-ix> i have experience mostly with QNX and i can say it is far more
+ easier to write a driver for QNX, compared to Linux/BSD for example ...
+ <braunr> which are the major feature microkernels usually add
+ <braunr> qnx >= 5 do provide capabilities
+ <braunr> (in the form of channels)
+ <core-ix> yeah ... it's the basic communication mechanism
+ <braunr> but my initial and still unanswered question was: why do people
+ think a hybrid kernel is batter than a true microkernel, or not
+ <braunr> better*
+ <congzhang> I does not say what is good or not, I just say hybird was
+ accept
+ <braunr> core-ix: and if i'm right, they're directly implemented by the
+ kernel, and not a userspace system server
+ <core-ix> braunr: evolution is more easily accepted than revolution :)
+ <core-ix> braunr: yes, message passing is in the QNX kernel
+ <braunr> not message passing, capabilities
+ <braunr> l4 does message passing in kernel too, but you need to go through
+ a capability server
+ <braunr> (for the l4 variants i have in mind at least)
+ <congzhang> the operating system evolve for it's application.
+ <braunr> congzhang: about evolution, that's one explanation, but other than
+ that ?
+ <braunr> core-ix: ^
+ <core-ix> braunr: by capability you mean (for the lack of a better word
+ i'll use) access control mechanisms?
+ <braunr> i mean reference-rights
+ <core-ix> the "trusted" functionality available in other OS?
+ <braunr>
+ <braunr> i don't know what other systems refer to with "trusted"
+ functionnality
+ <core-ix> yeah, the same thing
+ <congzhang> for now, I am searching one way to make hurd arm edition
+ suitable for Raspberry Pi
+ <congzhang> I hope design or the arch itself cant scale
+ <congzhang> can be scale
+ <core-ix> braunr: i think (!!!) that those are implemented in the Secure
+ Kernel (
+ <core-ix> never used it though ...
+ <congzhang> rpc make intercept easy :)
+ <braunr> core-ix: regular channels are capabilities
+ <core-ix> yes, and by extensions - they are in the kenrel
+ <braunr> that's my understanding too
+ <braunr> and that one thing that, for me, makes qnx an hybrid as well
+ <congzhang> just need intercept in kernel,
+ <core-ix> braunr: i would dive the academic aspects of this ... in my mind
+ a microkernel is system that provides minimal hardware abstraction,
+ communication primitives (usually message passing), virtual memory
+ protection
+ <core-ix> *wouldn't ...
+ <braunr> i think it's very important on the contrary
+ <braunr> what you describe is the "microkernel dogma"
+ <braunr> precisely
+ <braunr> that doesn't include capabilities
+ <braunr> that's why l4 messaging is thread-based
+ <braunr> and that's why l4 based systems are so slow
+ <braunr> (except okl4 which put back capabilities in the kernel)
+ <core-ix> so the compromise here is to include capabilities implementation
+ in the kernel, thus making the final product hybrid?
+ <braunr> not only
+ <braunr> because now that you have them in kernel
+ <braunr> the kernel probably has to manage memory for itself
+ <braunr> so you need more features in the virtual memory system
+ <core-ix> true ...
+ <braunr> that's what makes it a hybrid
+ <braunr> other ways being making each client provide memory, but that's
+ when your system becomes very complicated
+ <core-ix> but I believe this is true for pretty much any "general OS" case
+ <braunr> and some resources just can't be provided by a client
+ <braunr> e.g. a client can't provide virtual memory to another process
+ <braunr> okl4 is actually the only pragmatic real-world implementation of
+ l4
+ <braunr> and they also added unix-like signals
+ <braunr> so that's an interesting model
+ <braunr> as well as qnx
+ <braunr> the good thing about the hurd is that, although it's not kernel
+ agnostic, it doesn't require a lot from the underlying kernel
+ <core-ix> about hurd?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <core-ix> i really need to dig into this code at some point :)
+ <braunr> well you may but you may not see that property from the code
+ itself
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-28
+ <teythoon> so tell me about x15 if you are in the mood to talk about that
+ <braunr> what do you want to know ?
+ <teythoon> well, the high level stuff first
+ <teythoon> like what's the big picture
+ <braunr> the big picture is that x15 is intended to be a "better mach for
+ the hurd
+ <braunr> "
+ <braunr> mach is too general purpose
+ <braunr> its ipc mechanism too powerful
+ <braunr> too complicated, error prone, and slow
+ <braunr> so i intend to build something a lot simpler and faster :p
+ <teythoon> so your big picture includes actually porting hurd? i thought i
+ read somewhere that you have a rewrite in mind
+ <braunr> it's a clone, yes
+ <braunr> x15 will feature mostly sync ipc, and no high level types inside
+ messages
+ <braunr> the ipc system call will look like what qnx does
+ <braunr> send-recv from the client, recv/reply/reply-recv from the server
+ <teythoon> but doesn't sync mean that your context switch will have to be
+ quite fast?
+ <braunr> how does that differ from the async approach ?
+ <braunr> (keep in mind that almost all hurd RPCs are synchronous)
+ <teythoon> yes, I know, and it also affects async mode, but a slow switch
+ is worse for the sync case, isn't it?
+ <teythoon> ok so your ipc will be more agnostic wrt to what it transports?
+ unlike mig I presume?
+ <braunr> no it's the same
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> input will be an array, each entry denoting either memory or port
+ rights
+ <braunr> (or directly one entry for fast ipcs)
+ <teythoon> memory as in pointers?
+ <braunr> (well fast ipc when there is only one entry to avoid hitting a
+ table)
+ <braunr> pointer/size yes
+ <teythoon> hm, surely you want a way to avoid copying that, right?
+ <braunr> the only operation will be copy (i.e. unlike mach which allows
+ sharing)
+ <braunr> why ?
+ <braunr> copy doesn't exclude zero copy
+ <braunr> (zero copy being adjusting page tables with copy on write
+ techniques)
+ <teythoon> right
+ <teythoon> but isn't that too coarse, like in cow a whole page?
+ <braunr> depends on the message size
+ <braunr> or options provided by the caller, i don't know yet
+ <teythoon> oh, you are going to pack the memory anyway?
+ <braunr> depends on the caller
+ <braunr> i'm not yet sure about these details
+ <braunr> ideally, i'd like to avoid serialization altogether
+ <teythoon> wouldn't that be like cheating b/c it's the first copy?
+ <braunr> directly pass pointers/sizes from the sender address space, and
+ either really copy or use zero copy
+ <teythoon> right, but then you're back at the page size issue
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> it's not a real issue
+ <braunr> the kernel must support both ways
+ <braunr> the minor issue is determining which way to choose
+ <braunr> it's not a critical issue
+ <braunr> my current plan is to always copy, unless the caller has
+ explicitely set a flag and is passing properly aligned buffers
+ <teythoon> u sure? I mean the caller is free to arange the stuff he intends
+ to send anyway he likes, how are you going to cow that then?
+ <teythoon> ok
+ <teythoon> right
+ <braunr> properly aligned buffers :)
+ <braunr> otherwise the kernel rejects the request
+ <teythoon> that's reasonable, yes
+ <braunr> in addition to being synchronous, ipc will also take a special
+ path in the scheduler to directly use the client scheduling context
+ <braunr> avoiding the sleep/wakeup overhead, and providing priority
+ inheritence by side effect
+ <teythoon> uh, but wouldn't dropping serialization create security and
+ reliability issues? if the receiver isn't doing a proper job sanitizing
+ its stuff
+ <braunr> why would the client not sanitize ?
+ <braunr> err
+ <braunr> server
+ <braunr> it has to anyway
+ <teythoon> sure, but a proper parser written once might be more robust,
+ even if it adds overhead
+ <teythoon> the serialization i mean
+ <braunr> it's just a layer
+ <braunr> even with high level types, you still need to sanitize
+ <braunr> the real downside is loosing cross architecture portability
+ <braunr> making the potential implementation of a single system image a lot
+ more restricted or difficult
+ <braunr> but i don't care about that much
+ <braunr> mach was built with this in mind though
+ <teythoon> it's a nice idea, but i don't believe anyone does ssi anymore
+ <braunr> i don't know
+ <teythoon> and certainly not across architectures
+ <braunr> there are few projects
+ <braunr> anyway it's irrelevant currently
+ <braunr> and my interface just restricts it, it doesn't prevent it
+ <braunr> so i consider it an acceptable compromise
+ <teythoon> so, does it run? what does it do?
+ <teythoon> it certainly is, yes
+ <braunr> for now, it manages memory (physical, virtual, kernel, and soon,
+ anonymous)
+ <braunr> support multiple processors with the required posix scheduling
+ policies
+ <braunr> (it uses a cute proportionally fair time sharing algorithm)
+ <braunr> there are locks (spin locks, mutexes, condition variables) and
+ lockless stuff (à la rcu)
+ <braunr> both x86 and x86_64 are supported
+ <braunr> (even pae)
+ <braunr> work queues
+ <teythoon> sounds impressive :)
+ <braunr> :)
+ <braunr> i also added basic debugging
+ <braunr> stack trace (including getting the symbol table) handling
+ <braunr> so yes, it's much much better than what i previously did
+ <braunr> and on the right track
+ <braunr> it already scales a lot better than mach for what it does
+ <braunr> there are generic data structures (linked list, red-black tree,
+ radix tree)
+ <braunr> the radix tree supports lockless lookups, so looking up both the
+ page cache and the ipc spaces is lockless)
+ <teythoon> that's nice :)
+ <braunr> there are a few things using global locks, but there are TODOs
+ about them
+ <braunr> even with that, it should be scalable enough for a start
+ <braunr> and improving those parts shouldn't be too difficult
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-10
+ <nlightnfotis> braunr: From what I have understood you aim for x15 to be a
+ production ready μ-kernel for usage in the Hurd? Or is it unrelated to
+ the Hurd?
+ <braunr> nlightnfotis: it's for a hurd clone
+ <nlightnfotis> braunr: I see. Is it close to any of the existing
+ microkernels as far as its design is concerned (L4, Viengoos) or is it
+ new research?
+ <braunr> it's close to mach
+ <braunr> and qnx
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-29
+ <braunr> making progress on x15 pmap module
+ <braunr> factoring code for mapping creation/removal on current/kernel and
+ remote processes
+ <braunr> also started "swap emulation" by reserving some physical memory to
+ act as swap backing store
+ <braunr> which will allow creating memory pressure very early in the
+ development process
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-08-23
+ < nlightnfotis> braunr: something a little bit irrelevant: how many things
+ are missing from mach to be considered a solid base for the Hurd? Is it
+ only SMP and x86_64 support?
+ < braunr> define "solid base for the hurd"
+ < nlightnfotis> solid enough to not look for a replacement for it
+ < braunr> then i'd say, from my very personal point of view, that you want
+ x15
+ < nlightnfotis> I didn't understand this. Are you planning for x15 to be a
+ better mach?
+ < braunr> with a different interface, so not compatible
+ < braunr> and thus, not mach
+ < nlightnfotis> is the source code for it available? Can I read it
+ somewhere?
+ < braunr> the implied answer being: no, mach isn't a solid base for the
+ hurd considering your definition
+ < braunr>
+ < nlightnfotis> thanks. for that. So it's definite that mach won't stay for
+ long as the Hurd's base, right?
+ < braunr> it will, for long
+ < braunr> my opinion is that it needs to be replaced
+ < nlightnfotis> is it possible that it (slowly) gets rearchitected into
+ what's being considered a second generation microkernel, or is it
+ hopeless?
+ < braunr> it would require a new interface
+ < braunr> you can consider x15 to be a modern mach, with that new interface
+ < braunr> from a high level view, it's very similar (it's a hybrid, with
+ both scheduling and virtual memory management in the kernel)
+ < braunr> ipc change a lot
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-23
+ <braunr> for those of us interested in x15 and scalability in general:
+ <braunr> finally an implementation allowing memory mapping to occur
+ concurrently
+ <braunr> (which is another contention issue when using mach-like ipc, which
+ often do need to allocate/release virtual memory)
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/documentation.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/documentation.mdwn
index cc880ab6..61e3469b 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/documentation.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/documentation.mdwn
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+2010, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
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id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -47,3 +47,14 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
- [An IO System for Mach](
- [A Programmers' Guide to Mach System Call](
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-15
+ <teythoon> braunr: btw, are there multiple kernel threads in gnumach?
+ <teythoon> and is it safe to do a synchronous rpc call to a userspace
+ server?
+ <braunr> teythoon: there are yes, but few
+ <braunr> teythoon: the main (perhaps only) kernel thread is the page daemon
+ <braunr> and no, it's not safe to do synchronous calls to userspace
+ <braunr> except to the default pager
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/debugging.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/debugging.mdwn
index 71e92459..7e7cfb4e 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/debugging.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/debugging.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 Free Software
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software
Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ When you're [[running_a_system_in_QEMU|hurd/running/qemu]] you can directly
+## [[open_issues/debugging_gnumach_startup_qemu_gdb]]
# Code Inside the Kernel
Alternatively you can use an approach like this one: add the following code
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/hardware_compatibility_list.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/hardware_compatibility_list.mdwn
index 587178e9..32e712c9 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/hardware_compatibility_list.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/hardware_compatibility_list.mdwn
@@ -105,6 +105,11 @@ These boards are known to work. Gnumach/Hurd has been installed and run on these
* VIA EPIA-M Mini-ITX motherboard with VIA Nehemiah C3 1Ghz processor. Onboard NIC (VIA Rhine) works good.
* Compaq Deskpro ENS, Pentium3 (666 MHz upgraded to 1 GHz), Intel i815 chipset, chipset integrated NIC (detected twice, but works fine with eth0; trying to access eth1 confuses the driver and makes the system unusable), Matrox Mystique 220 (PCI) graphics card. Also works with rtl8029 (NE2000 PCI) NIC when onboard NIC disabled in BIOS setup.
* Abit BX6 Rev. 2.0 with Celeron 400, after disabling "memory hole at 15MB" option in BIOS setup. (Otherwise, Mach detects only 15MiB of RAM, making Hurd run *extremely* slow and instable.) Should also work with PentiumII or Pentium3.
+* IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-08-26:
+ < stargater> have anyone gnu/hurd running on real hw ?
+ < youpi> my latitude e6420 laptop, for instance
# User Failure Reports
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/interface/syscall/mach_print.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/interface/syscall/mach_print.mdwn
index ca52dca5..a169e92e 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/interface/syscall/mach_print.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/interface/syscall/mach_print.mdwn
@@ -59,3 +59,32 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
[[Makefile]], [[mach_print.S]], [[main.c]].
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-01
+ <youpi> braunr: btw, we are missing the symbol in mach/Versions
+ <braunr> youpi: what symbol ?
+ <youpi> so the libc-provided RPC stub is not available
+ <youpi> mach_printf
+ <youpi> -f
+ <braunr> it's a system calll
+ <braunr> not exported
+ <youpi> s/RPC/system call/
+ <braunr> that's expected
+ <youpi> libc does provide stubs for system calls too
+ <braunr> yes but not for this one
+ <youpi> I don't see why we wouldn't want to include it
+ <youpi> ?! it does
+ <braunr> it's temporary
+ <braunr> oh
+ <braunr> there must be automatic parsing during build
+ <youpi> sure
+ <braunr> nice
+ <braunr> youpi: if we're going to make this system call exported by glibc,
+ i should change its interface first
+ <braunr> it was meant as a very quick-and-dirty hack and directly accesses
+ the caller's address space without going through a special copy-from-user
+ function
+ <braunr> not very portable
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/memory_management.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/memory_management.mdwn
index 4e237269..477f0a18 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/memory_management.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/memory_management.mdwn
@@ -188,3 +188,18 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
<braunr> (more kernel memory, thus more physical memory - up to 1.8 GiB -
but then, less user memory)
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-06
+ <nlightnfotis> braunr: quick question, what memory allocation algorithms
+ does the Mach use? I know it uses slab allocation, so I can guess buddy
+ allocators too?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> slab allocator for kernel memory (allocation of buffers used by
+ the kernel itself)
+ <braunr> a simple freelist for physical pages
+ <braunr> and a custom allocator based on a red-black tree, a linked list
+ and a hint for virtual memory
+ <braunr> (which is practically the same in all BSD variants)
+ <braunr> and linux does something very close too
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/ports.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/ports.mdwn
index e7fdb446..2d9bc311 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/ports.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/ports.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 Free Software
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software
Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
@@ -27,3 +27,8 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
* MIPS. Status completely unknown.
* [[open_issues/Mach_on_Top_of_POSIX]]. Status unknown.
+When starting a port for a new architecture, it might make sense to first
+target a [[!wikipedie desc=paravirtualized Paravirtualization]] environment,
+that already abstracts away some of the different hardware implementations'
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/history.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/history.mdwn
index 776bb1d7..c22ea739 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/history.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/history.mdwn
@@ -78,3 +78,137 @@ IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-08-29:
<pavlx> can't be anymore
+IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-03:
+ *** natsukao ( has
+ joined channel #hurd
+ <natsukao> hi
+ <natsukao> on 2012-08-29: i wrote a part of messages that then were posted
+ on
+ <natsukao> i am sorry to inform you that apple computer cuè, has
+ moved the URL:
+ <natsukao> and i have not found nothing on the source code of that page,
+ <natsukao> i used lftp without any success
+ <natsukao> and then wget, nothing to do
+ <natsukao> i have not found a copy cache of
+ <natsukao> next time we save the documents and we provide to do our
+ archive/s
+ <natsukao> so that will be always available the infos
+ *** natsukao ( is
+ now known as pavlx
+ <pavlx> happy hacking !!!!
+ <pavlx> "paolo del bene" <>
+ <pavlx> p.s: i'll turn back as soon as possible
+ <pavlx> i found the page of Darwin History, removed from apple compter
+ <pavlx> "Cached_"
+ <pavlx> the page was moved
+ and now is available on:
+ <pavlx>
+ <pavlx> or simply:
+ <pavlx> slides on: "Travel - Computer Science and Software Engineering"
+ <pavlx>
+ <pavlx> about apple computer, but there are many interesting
+ news
+ <teythoon> pavlx: uh, lot's of marketing noise from apple >,<
+ <pavlx> i found better material just now:
+ <pavlx> teythoon, sorry, i turn back to sleep, see you later, paolo
+ <pavlx> i'll charge of that page only things dedicated to GNU/HURD, but
+ slides are not mine, i found on internet
+ <teythoon> pavlx: sure, I didn't ment to offend you in any way
+IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-04:
+ <pavlx> there are few problems:
+ <pavlx>
+ <pavlx> on the page GrantBow wrote: Apple's Macintosh OSX (OS 10.x) is
+ based on Darwin. "Darwin uses a monolithic kernel based on ?FreeBSD 4.4
+ and the OSF/mk Mach 3." Darwin also has a Kernel Programming Book.
+ <pavlx> the link to Darwin was moved, is not anymore
+ <pavlx> then it's not FreeBSD 4.4 but BSD
+ <pavlx> and the link to Kernel Programming was moved is not
+ but
+ <pavlx> apple has moved the URL:
+ <pavlx> apple has moved the URL:
+ <pavlx> so on the website you can left few things about my old post:
+ <pavlx> from IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-08-29: needs to remove
+ <pavlx>
+ <pavlx> the new one will be:
+ IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-04:
+ <pavlx> was moved the page from about darwin kernel programming
+ as described on the
+ <pavlx> the link to Kernel Programming:
+ <pavlx> (anyway i searching with any key the things moved from apple)
+ <pavlx> about Darwin type
+ <pavlx> on the right side, towards the end of the website it says: Darwin
+ Technologies
+ <pavlx> click on it, or copy the URL in an other tab of your own browser,
+ and read:
+ <pavlx> and something is related to Darwin
+ <pavlx> and again :
+ # Mac OS X Server
+ ... This kernel, known as Darwin, provides a stable, high-performance platform
+ for developing groundbreaking applications and system technologies. ...
+ # Mac OS X Server Command-Line Administration
+ Page 1. Mac OS X Server Command-Line Administration For Version 10.3
+ # Press Info - Apple “Open Sources” Rendezvous
+ ... Rendezvous is part of a broader open source release today from Apple at
+ which includes the Darwin 6.0.1 ...
+ # Press Info - Apple Releases Darwin 1.0 Open Source
+ ... Apple Releases Darwin 1.0 Open Source. New ... modules. Darwin 1.0 gives
+ developers access to essential Mac OS X source code. ...
+ # Press Info - Apple's Mac OS X to Ship on March 24
+ ... Mac OS X is built upon an incredibly stable, open source, UNIX based
+ foundation called Darwin and features true memory protection, preemptive ...
+ # Press Info - Mac OS X “Gold Master” Released To ...
+ ... Mac OS X is built upon an incredibly stable, open source, UNIX
+ basedfoundation called Darwin and features true memory protection ...
+ * Press Info - Apple Announces Mac OS X “Jaguar” ...
+ ... As an active member of the Open Source community, Apple has distributed
+ Open Directory technology through the Darwin Open Source Project. ...
+ <pavlx> and:
+ <youpi> pavlx: it's hard to follow the changes you are talking
+ about. Perhaps you could simply edit these wiki pages?
+ <pavlx> anyway i am saying to you that i found a mailing list where are
+ availables the sources codes of darwin ppc-801 and x86
+ <pavlx> and as last thing mac os x 10.4
+ <braunr> pavlx: what's all this about ?
+ <pavlx> i am sorry, i did changes on the wiki
+ <pavlx> but after the preview and after to have saved, it show again the
+ old chat of 2012
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/message/msgh_id.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/message/msgh_id.mdwn
index ea52904a..799ed5cc 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/message/msgh_id.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/message/msgh_id.mdwn
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
Every [[message]] has an ID field, which is defined in the [[RPC]] `*.defs`
# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-07-12
@@ -281,3 +283,25 @@ files.
<youpi> then submit to the list for review
<braunr> hm ok
<braunr> youpi: ok, next time, i'll commit such changes directly
+# Subsystems
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-03
+ <teythoon> anything I need to be aware of if I want to add a new subsystem?
+ <teythoon> is there a convention for choosing the subsystem id?
+ <braunr> a subsystem takes 200 IDs
+ <braunr> grep other subsystems in mach and the hurd to avoid collisions of
+ course
+ <teythoon> yes
+ <teythoon> i know that ;)
+ <braunr> :)
+ <teythoon> i've noticed the _notify subsystems being x+500, should I follow
+ that?
+ <pinotree> 100 for rpc + 100 for their replies?
+ <braunr> teythoon: yes
+ <braunr> pinotree: yes
+ <teythoon> ok
+ <teythoon> we should really work on mig...
+ <braunr> ... :)
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/mig.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/mig.mdwn
index 331b3bf4..f8046cb2 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/mig.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/mig.mdwn
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 Free
-Software Foundation, Inc."]]
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@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@ wait for a result on a newly created [[reply port|port]], decode return
arguments from the reply message (*demarshalling*, or *unmarshalling*) and pass
them to the client program. Similar actions are provided in the skeletons that
are linked to server programs.
MIG allows very precise semantics to be specified about what the arguments are
and how to be passed.
+It has its problems with
+[[structured_data|open_issues/mig_portable_rpc_declarations]], however.
* [[Documentation]]
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/mig/documentation.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/mig/documentation.mdwn
index 7d4f1eca..e6bd1bb9 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/mig/documentation.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/mig/documentation.mdwn
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free
-Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013
+Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -82,3 +82,20 @@ pp. 67--77."
* [[ServerCopy]]
* MIG *in action*: [[hurd/io_path]].
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-04
+[[!tag open_issue_documentation open_issue_mig]]
+ <teythoon> btw, I just realized that mig mashes two very different things
+ together, namely the serialization/parsing and the message
+ sending/receiving
+ <braunr> yes
+ <teythoon> I'd prefer it if that were separated
+ <braunr> me too
+ <braunr> that's why i want x15 to have a bare messaging interface .. :)
+ <teythoon> \o/
+ <braunr> simple (but optimized) scatter-gather
+ <braunr> it makes sense for mig since mach messages do include
+ serialization metadata such as types